American Idol 2012-2013 (Season #11 & Season #12)

AMERICAN IDOL 2012 & 2013

Welcome anyone watching Idol who would like to talk about it.

We are continuing this discussion with the current season #12

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Hi everyone,

I think enough of us are watching American Idol (AI) to make this thread worthwhile. So I am taking Sylvie from Canada's suggestion to move it from New Tour Reviews 2011 and give it it's own thread here in Off Topic. Since tonight starts the top 11 voting, it's getting interesting and a good time to start talking about it.

I have been a fan since it started 10 years ago. Hard to believe it's been on that long, not many TV shows last that long. So to anyone watching: "who is your favorite?"


from the Jersey Shore


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Meggy got us 2 tix for Jason Aldean...Guess where our seats are at?

Front Row.. OMG we've never been front row to any of our many concerts!

It's not until August!

Mary (M&M's)!

Hey Mary, I don't know if I've been living under a rock, but last week on AI was the first time I'd ever heard of Jason Aldean. Can you tell me a bit about him? Well in any case,  you and Meg have a great time at your concert! Back to the original topic, any thoughts on who's going home tonight? I was listening to Lauren yesterday and I wondered if she was really concerned that she couldn't hit the notes like others, or if she felt that she couldn't compete with that, even though that's not in her nature to sing that way... I think she has a gorgeous tone and I'd hate to know that she feels as if she has to scream in order to compete... I've often thought, watching the initial auditions of the first few weeks, that people think they can sing well if they can just hit those excrutiating high notes. It's not a screaming competition for the loudest, you know... JMO I'd just like to know what everyone else thinks. Thanks. Take care Mary. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Honestly Sylvie...I am still disappointed over Pia being voted off!!!! I don't get Casey or Lusk really either. I forget his first name :/ I think his last name is Lusk. Anyway....I agree about having to hit those high notes. Why? Especially if it doesn't add to the song. I thought Jacob would go home also Joy. So that is his first name. I just read it in your post!!

Ahhhhhh.....Iconic Joy has posted another delightful icon for us :)  lol  It is the AI logo. What a fun story about Bruce Springsteen Joy!! My husband loves Bruce!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Sylvie/p>

Jason Aldean is a country music singer. He's fairly new, but everyone loves him! I'm sooo happy Meggy got those tix. She's really happy, too!

We get to have a girl night out at the Fair, front row with him. this is the 1st time ever to be in the front row! Ever:)! It will be Awesome:)!

Have a great day!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Hey Mary, I will take the time to look him up. I'm wondering if Kelly Clarkson is thinking of making a country flavored album in the future. I did watch her "Crossroads" show with Reba on CMT and enjoyed it. Well anyway, I'm glad you and Meg will have a girls night out! Take care sweetie and tell Meg I said hi. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

I know I started this thread and haven't even been on it lately! There just aren't enough hours in the day for me sometimes! So, Stefano went home, I thought it would be Jacob. At this point it's hard, they are all quite good. It just depends on the votes, my favorites are Lauren first, Scotty (even though I am not a big county fan) and James. Casey is good, very unique like Joe Cocker but he isn't amazing, as far as winning. I heard today on the radio, Bruce Springstein came by to see the kids to talk and mentor them. So I guess he will be on the show soon, and probably sing. I remember seeing Bruce almost every other weekend or so back in the 70's. When I was in high school, he played in a local band near me. He played guitar (bass I think) and only sang back up. He was not the lead singer. Boy I should have taken pictures and gotten his autograph huh?!! Back then his group was called The Castiles, and after that band it was Steel Mill. Ah, the good ol' days......


from the Jersey Shore

(American Idol Logo)


Not to get off the American Idol topic but these are interesting...............
The Castiles … Can You Spot Bruce?(Bottom left)
Bruce Springsteen's high school group The Castiles (named after a shampoo), recorded two original songs ('That's What You Get' and 'Baby I') at Mr. Music Inc in the Bricktown Shopping Mall in Bricktown, in N.J.---1966

Rock Factoid: Both songs were co-written by Bruce Springsteen and lead singer George Theiss.
Rock Factoid #2: 'That's What You Get' sounds very much like a garage band trying to emulate the Byrds or the Beau Brummels. 'Baby I' comes across as a strange hybrid of the Beatles and surfing music. The songs were recorded in an hour for a mere $50, but were never released. Allegedly there was no master tape, the songs were cut directly to disc, hence the weak sound. Only five copies of the record were pressed.
Rock Factoid #3: Original drummer Bart Haynes had left to join the army and went to Vietnam. He was killed in action on October 22 1967 in Quang Tri, South Vietnam. Haynes was the inspiration for Springsteen's dialogue in the live version of 'The River' when he discussed losing friends in the war.
"Rock and roll has always been this joy, this certain happiness that is in its way the most beautiful thing in life. But rock is also about hardness and coldness and being alone ... I finally got to the place where I realized life had paradoxes, a lot of them, and you've got to live with them."Bruce Springsteen
Hear The Castiles' 'That's What You Get'
Hear The Castiles' 'Baby I'
Other early bands I remember seeing with Bruce when I was young, after The Castiles, Earth, Steel Mill...the good old Hippie days!
from the Jersey Shore

I don't always follow this thread but my nose was bothering me this morning - ain't I glad it was - oh Joy thanks for "Brucie Baby" - the first love of my life - oh what did I say - shoot me down in flames !!! :)   One of my dreams would come true - those two on Gems's about "Human Touch", "Glory Days", "Tougher Than The Rest" or even "We Shall Overcome" - oh boy, heaven, heaven, heaven !!!! :)  Sorry for being off topic - I just get carried away with Bruce !!!  :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hey Sylvia, we’re not just 2-dimensional people and we’re allowed having other musical loves than Michael. My first love music-wise happened when I was about 10 and was hopelessly devoted to this French Quebec singer for years. Don’t scold me for this Sylvia because I’m sure  these are probably some of Bruce’s greatest hits, but I’ll have to look those 2 latter titles up. Take good care of yourself sweetie and thanks for sharing. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hi Sylvie,


Had to get in - "We Shall Overcome" is from the "The Seger Sessions" CD/DVD, it was released in 2006 and "Tougher Than The Rest" is from the LP "Tunnel of Love" and was released in 1987 - if you haven't heard that Sylvie you have got to listen to - the whole album is a knock-out - it has got "Brilliant Disguise", "Tunnel of Love", "Walk Like a Man" and on, and on, and on - do you think I like Bruce ....who else comes out of my computer -  Paganini, Rachmaninov, Chopin and a little bit of Bolton....................... !!!! lol.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Syls Duo.....we also LOVE Bruce. Our son Ryan grew up with Bruce also because Bob often drove Ryan to school and he would blast Tunnel of Love!!! Ryan loved it! Bruce is a great blues is Michael. Bruce singing We Shall Overcome is very MOVING. I forget the title of the song Bruce wrote after 911...about firefighters...Walking into The Fire maybe??? Oh ...that song is a real tear jerker for me!!!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Bruce's CD Kathy after 9/11 was called "The Rising" and the song you are thinking of is called "Into The Fire" and the one I love from it is "Empty Sky" - a beautiful CD but at what a price its writing cost !


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


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