Sorry it has taken me a while to do a sticky of this link to the birthday calendar.  Thanks, Dianna, for the great job you did putting this together!

*****UPDATE -10/15/2015

I've added an updated calendar below for those who are asking. Thanks, Sylvie for updating it.  I have posted it in two formats so all should be able to get it.


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Happy Birthday Sylvie, I hope have a lovely birthday, make sure your family spoil you and make you feel even more wonderful!
Hya Sylvie,

I hope you have the best Michael Bolton style birthday ever!!

You deserve to be spoilt rotten by your family and treated like a princess for the rest of the week.

Big hugs,

Jennifer XXX
Hi friends, thank you very much, Eileen, Ozlem and Jennifer for your sweet wishes! To have the best one ever, I’d need to be in Texas tonight Jen! Lol And as far as being spoiled, I feel like I already am, right here! Big hugs to you all! Sincerely, Sylvie from Canada xxx
Sylvie ,i hope you have a wonderful day .xxx
Anna, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU also! I hope you got to do something fun!
Robin :)
Oh, wow! Anna. Happy birthday to you as well. I didn't know but at least I'm late. Wow! Which Anna? Happy birthday&celebrate it good with many returns.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA

I have several friends back East whose birthdays are today&my dad's was too. :)
Hope you had a very Happy Birthday Anna! Sorry its a little late !

Love Eileen xoxo
Anna Best wishes for your birthday as well
Hope it's everything you wish for
Love Dianna xxx

ps (I have added your b-day to the calendar now)
Wishing you a great day full of love for the 31st
Love Dianna xxx


Happy birthday to you on the 31st&celebrate it good with many more returns.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA
Thank you Dianna, Robin, Deb, Mariu, Sharon and Debra Stewart for taking the time to wish me a Happy Birthday. It really was a great day for me. My gift to myself is three MB concerts in the near future and they are all close to my home!! Greeley, Co. on the 30th of Sept. Cheyenne, Wy. on October 2nd and Colorado Springs, Co. on October 10th. Whay more could I ask for?
Good on you Shari I hope you tell us all about the shows
What wonderful presents there's not too much more you could ask for I am sure LOL
Love Dianna xxx


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