Lara Fabian has recorded with me a duet that Foster wrote and produced, called "The Prayer" for my next cd and christmas cd of duets for Europe. She flew in miraculously through Paris (strikes and all hours of travel) to arrive just in time to perform with me at the Foster and Friends event. Besides being an absolutely beautiful woman and one of the warmest most sincere people I've ever had the pleasure to meet, Lara has been blessed with a phenomenal voice and spirit that makes her clearly one of the wonders of the world. She sings from the deepest part of her heart with divine tones and ... whenever she wants such power, she takes flight and elevates everyone watching and listening. Seal and I snuck up to the side of the stage to watch her sing "Caruso" and were both blown away, as was the audience. I look forward to performing with Lara again in Europe or anywhere, anytime we can...
Singing with Lara and Seal In the same night!!!!!!! A poignant high point of my life as an artist. So deeply grateful. Bye for now, love and gratitude, mb

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Comment by Kathy Rosario on October 21, 2010 at 9:06pm
Wow is so nice to hear and see that you are having such a wonderful time both professionally and personally. You seem to be beaming in all the photos of late!!!! My heart is warmed that you are so enjoying life and this is only the beginning. May you continued to be blessed!!

Thank you also for signing my photo and Bob's photo with his fire crew. You make all your fans days when we see you and how wonderful that you experience the same emotions with people you admire! is sooooooo good!!!

much love,
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Comment by Lonna Eskew on October 21, 2010 at 8:24pm
Awesome! Can't wait to hear it!
Comment by Robin on October 21, 2010 at 7:20pm
Thanks so much for sharing Michael! Cannot wait to hear this one on your Christmas CD!!! I can feel your excitement in your blog!! Wow! So nice to read you had such an amazing experience performing with both artists!!
Robin in MD :)
Comment by amber wright on October 21, 2010 at 5:00pm
im glad it went so well cant wait to hear the new cd

lots of love

Comment by Moonlight on October 21, 2010 at 3:45pm
God Does work in mysterious ways...I think it is wonderful that you were able to perform with Seal and talk with him before and after the show...not only is he a gifted lyrist and singer...He is to be admired as a man. He has a beautiful woman as his partner in life who he is devoted...and she to him...their love for each other is inspiring...He composes songs about and to her...she if featured on his next album and I believe they just completed a music video never see him with other girls and you never hear him speaking of other women...She is never threatened and is cherished...that is romantic!!! And I am sure that is why they have such a beautiful and deep love for each other...there commitment is a wonderful example to all!!! The Moonlight Angel
Comment by Katja on October 21, 2010 at 3:21pm
Wouldn't it be nice to invite Lara and Seal to the concert in Düsseldorf in December? It's not far from Seals parents in law, for he could make a short pre-crismas visit and nice for Lara coming to Germany:) No, i am not thinking of the great benefit for the audience...:)
Comment by joan barnett on October 21, 2010 at 1:57pm
hi she is lovely. have fun cant wait to hear the new cd love u jo xxx
Comment by Sandra Jeffery on October 21, 2010 at 12:08pm
Hi Michael, can,t wait to hear this, it sounds exciting. Hope your new cd is out soon.
It,s great having these blogs from you Michael, you seem very happy at the moment,ENJOY AND HAVE FUN!!!
See you in Bristol next month.
Lots of love
Sandra xxxxxxxxxxx
Comment by Dianna Shipman on October 21, 2010 at 11:47am
Hi Michael,
You are so right her voice is just amazing and I cannot wait to hear the prayer on your new cd hope it is available soon Michael.
I need to get me a copy ASAP LOL
Love these updates Michael
Love Dianna xxx
Your pen friend
Comment by Jennifer Steadman on October 21, 2010 at 11:42am
I hope you're planning on bringing her to the Albert Hall then Michael?
We've all seen the video clips of the concert and it sounded amazing!!
The accoustics at theRAH would be perfect for Laras voice and what a treat it would be to hear you two duet.
I've got to tell you, I am really loving your blogs Michael.
Love Jennifer XXX

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