Hi everybody!! So the word is out I'm going to be on this next seasons dancing with the stars starting sept. 20th. Can't say who my partner is yet until wednesday but ill tell u she is ....... Awesome!!!! Gonna need your votes, calls, texts, and everyone you can to keep me on to the finals and then ......... Gulp ...... Win????!!!!

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Comment by Katja on September 3, 2010 at 1:42pm
Nice to see some pictures, as all non-us-residents cannot watch that show. Perhaps MB or the admin will show us some short sequences on this side. Would be nice. So we could follow a little your way becoming the new us-dancing champ:)) The same time we are also going to start something new, as I am preparing a charity event - circus for and with children with and without handicap. As they have asked me to instruct the kids, I will have to learn next week within 5 hours rope-dancing;)) They will all have a lot of fun when I get my kilos on that tiny rope - will show you all a picture for smiling. So, Michael Bolton will do better, but hopefully will have at least as much fun as we will have with the kids.
All the best,
Comment by Dianna Shipman on September 3, 2010 at 12:54pm
Thanks Shannon I think it's cute
Love Dianna xxx
Comment by Dianna Shipman on September 3, 2010 at 1:47am
I have no doubt you have Rhythm so let it shine
Good luck!!!!
Love Dianna (your pen friend) xxx

showing our support

Comment by Valerie Heintz on September 2, 2010 at 11:22pm
I am so happy that you are going to be part of this show.....I usually watch this every season. I am also excited as I am going to see your concert this saturday at the Beau Rivage in Biloxi......Can not wait to see you again.
Comment by Beth Longstreth on September 2, 2010 at 5:23pm
Michael, I've seen you perform in Lake Charles this past weedend and you looked so tired. I know your schedule is very chaotic right now, but please get some rest so you can be 100% for dwts. I want to see you win!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!
Comment by Cynthia Hood on September 2, 2010 at 4:37pm
Hey, look at you!! I agree with Gwen.......you look so HAPPY!! I know you will keep Chelsie in stitches with your humor. I know you can do it!
Comment by Gwen Bolton on September 2, 2010 at 1:57pm
Such an adorable pic of you and Chelsie! You look rejuvenated! Haven't seen you this happy in a long time! So looking forward to peeks into the rehearsals. Just have a feeling you are so going to be a fav of so many people. You are a nice guy and it shows. Life is good for you right now and we enjoy being along for the ride. One thing different about this is that Clash of the Choirs was more about the choirs and this will be about you. I know you will have a great time sharing with the world one of your loves and getting paid to take dance lessons from the best at that is just so cool. Aren't you fortunate to get this chance. Life may have it twists and turns but this is a great break. Just promise us you will be careful, no early elimination due to injury please.(-:
Comment by Suzanne Scheiner on September 2, 2010 at 5:50am
Wow, this is so exciting!! I can only imagine what it must feel like for you! You will be expressing a part of yourself that we have not seen as of yet; but are very happy to....can you at least give us a hint as to what music you will be dancing to??? Have a great time, I am sure you will!!!!
Love, SS
Comment by Kellie Brown on September 2, 2010 at 3:01am
Hi Michael,
Have faith in your partner, looks like everyone here has some kinda faith in you! Knowing you, this should be quite amusing. LOL Just kidding, no really, you do know how to get your'e groove on. I would deffinately dance with you again, seems as though when I ask to be on your dance card you are too envolved. It's all good Michael, I dance alone just fine. LOL Have fun with it, I will....
Your Girlfriend For Life!
Comment by Patricia Rieder on September 2, 2010 at 2:46am
OMG...Thank God you are finally going to show people how you can dance......Told you that you were a great dancer,didn't I? Dance was my life and when u danced with me I told you how good you were.....now everyone will see and I personally will see to it that you get as many votes as possible ..calling in some favors...Good Luck,Michael...Love,Patty

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