Here we go with the New 2011 Concert Tour Review Thread. Michael's tour begins again in the USA in Florida on January 13, 2011!!!!!!!!  I hope Michael is well rested and ready to get back out on the road!


Please share your concert experiences, pictures, video links etc. with us here. We love hearing about the concerts and the great times had by the fans.

You all have made these threads fun in the past and I look forward to more adventures and fun this year!!

I look forward to reading everyone's reviews once again and also contributing some of my own in 2011!


Have fun everyone!! Not much longer till Michael and the band hit the road again!


Robin in Maryland,  USA

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Thank you Robin That was so sweet of you to say those nice things about me. I am very slow in reading all of these discussions so I dont always answer but be assured that I do appreciate all of the nice things that all of you have said. Bolton Fans really are very special people. It has been like gaining an big extended family and Ashley and I really needed that right now as our family is pretty thin now. Thank you and bless you all. Peace & Love
Not to pry but Tom, did you&Ashley get backstage passes on the 30th&the 1st? How about the 26th? Cool if so. I understand if not. You don't have to respond.
Hi Robin Ashley was not allowed into the concert on the 30th because she is 6 months shy of being 21 and no she did not get backstage passes on the 1st in Oroville but Michael did throw her a kiss while singing WAMLAW in our isle and also waved to her. Michael was overwhelmed by backstage requests and she had seen him 3 nights already so we got a pass on the last concert. Overall she had a wonderful time and she knows that MB loves her very much and that makes her feel so special. It was a real time to remember and we have great tickets to the show on the 28th of August in Saratoga as well as great tickets to the show in Livermore on the 30th thanks to our good friend Lorie who drove over to Livermore and who is a member on the venue there she was able to get us great tickets at the presale. (Thank you Lorie) If we never go backstage again I want to thank Michael for his ability to make Ashley's depression go away that she was feeling about not being normal like the rest of us. Michael has made her feel normal and worthwhile and for that I love Michael with all of my heart. We all need help once in awhile even me. Thank you Michael for everything! The picture is Lorie and MB and Ashley

Awesome getting to go to the concerts in August. They're too far out for me&money? What's that? :)))))) I'm sorry Ashley couldn't go to the concert 4/30/11 due to her age. Wow! I never thought about that beings I'm WAY OVER 21. How did she feel about that? Hope she wasn't too down because of that. In a different way, I understand how Ashley feels about being or not being accepted. Michael's just that way. he doesn't mind uus less than perfect people. Yes, I'm blind&Ashley has her situation but we can't change that. Only people can, if they wish to, change their attitudes. I love you for the fact that you stand by Ashley. I worked at Maryland School for the Blind&there were so many children there with multiple disabilities&they were thrown here, there&everywhere. I'm sure you know where I'm coming from. Boltonnut from L. A. CA  Neat the multiple backstage passes you've gotten. Wow!


Hey Tom, Thanks for taking the time to post some reviews here. I was happy you had such a great time, Kathy R. told me she had a wonderful time with you and Ashley both..MB does adore you guys, that's all so evident just in the way he looks at Ashley in the photo's you have shared with us..Great news you got some good seats for more concerts in August.  That's wonderful, something for Ashley to look forward to. I envy you guys with so many shows coming up. I have just the CT show and golf in June but am not complaining.. Been blessed over the years here.  MB showed me how wonderful he can be when he was so sweet to my mom in February when we visited with him, that melted my heart all over again for him..I like this pic, saw it maybe on FB before? Adorable....Thanks again for taking the time here, we enjoy hearing from you and Ashley. Tell her I said hi.. I say hi to her back on FB when she IM's me on there.. Love her for saying hi..


Take good care, both of you and post when you can!!!!

Robin in Maryland :)

Awesome the photos of Ashley&tom,&Robin, you showed yours of you&your mom? Neat?

Hi Tom, I just wanted to say thanks for such a sweet post. Your dedication to Ashley to  make her feel as normal as possible sparks from a great big soul and it’s really heartwarming to read your stories. BTW, I also wanted to say thanks a lot for being so generous to our friend Kathy with the awesome seat and backstage pass at the Chumash casino. Thanks to you, Kathy spoiled us with a fantastic review and showed us that you’re not just a great dad, you’re a really sweet person too!  You and Ashley deserve the special attention and I’m glad Michael is helping Ashley feel so special. Take good care of yourself Tom and God bless. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Sylvie's better at writing than I am. I agree with everything Sylvie said to you Tom in every wah. Boltonnut from L. A. CA
Thank you so much Sylvie That means so much coming from both you and Robin Rehder. I wish I were as good on reviews as Kathy is she didnt tell you that her and her wonderful husband Bob had listened to me talking about trying to get some help from the state to get a bath lift because it is getting very hard to get Ashley into and out of the bathtub so Bob went out and found a great bath lift like the one I had been  looking at and called me and asked for our address so he could send it up to us and it arrived today and I am having trouble through the tears in understanding just how lucky and blessed that Ashley and I are and I can tell you that this wonderful part of our lives started about the same time we met Michael Bolton, does that tell you anything? Bolton people are the kindest and most compassionate people in the world and I know as my outlook towards the world has changed drastically sine I met Michael and I am a much better person for it. Thank you Michael for all the goodness and wonder that you have brought into our lives. Dad & Ashley
Tom, we all have one thing in common&that's Michael&wow! that Kathy had that bath thing sent to you for Ashley. God bless all of you. i love this group. i feel oh! so! totally accepted. Michael's just awesome right along with everyone. Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Oh Tom words cannot express what I feel

Thankyou for being you and Bob what a great guy he is too

I have tears reading all the reviews they have been so much fun

Take care

Best wishes to you and Ashley

Love Dianna xxx

I just came in to catch up on things because I don't have much time on my hands today or tomorrow - busy - and I didn't intend answering anything but now I have managed to dry the tears I've just got to say how about us all giving that BOB ROSARIO and that beautiful woman standing by his side, KATHY, the biggest SHOUT this forum has ever heard :




Obviously, Tom, thanks so much for sharing that news with us for we all know Kathy and Bob wouldn't have done - they would have kept that absolutely wonderful piece of information to themselves because they are the type of people they are but they are too what this world needs - caring, generous, thoughtful, unselfish and just downright, THE BEST !!     GOD BLESS YOU BOTH !!!!


Sylvia    Your wee Scottish friend.








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