Here we go with the New 2011 Concert Tour Review Thread. Michael's tour begins again in the USA in Florida on January 13, 2011!!!!!!!!  I hope Michael is well rested and ready to get back out on the road!


Please share your concert experiences, pictures, video links etc. with us here. We love hearing about the concerts and the great times had by the fans.

You all have made these threads fun in the past and I look forward to more adventures and fun this year!!

I look forward to reading everyone's reviews once again and also contributing some of my own in 2011!


Have fun everyone!! Not much longer till Michael and the band hit the road again!


Robin in Maryland,  USA

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Hi Helen, thank you so much for sharing.

Have a great day


Man Sweet Home Chicago reminds me of the concert I went to on Valentine's day. Woo Hoo. Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Now that was Awesome! Thanks for finding this and sharing it with Us:)!

Can't wait to see the video with Rascal Flatts! "Love Is Everything"!!!!

Mary (M&M's)!

Hi Helen, thank you so much for posting these! It’s really a shame that some people on Youtube don’t label their videos properly to be easily found. Congratulations for finding them! “Love is everything" is simply marvelous, it seems like such a great warm feel-good song. I can’t wait to hear the studio version! Again, thank you so much for sharing Helen, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Gail, thanks for sharing those pix, as always he looked Good:)!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Can't get enough of our Michael...thanks Gail!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

I hear that not getting enough of Michael. I have 5 CD'S of his in my CD changer&I'm loving it. Music in my bedroom, living room&my little office.I got a whole house transmitter where my music can go all over my house&I won't have to disturb my neighbor. Yeah, she complained to the land lord about my music. Couldn't even have the courage to come to me. That's ok. If I really wnna blast, there's wireless headsets I obtained 3 weeks ago. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who's totaly Boltonizing&I'm lovin' it. Woo Hoo.
We have a month to go to have the awesome cD to be released. Woo Hoo Boltonnut from L. A. CA
These pictures are long over due as I just received them from the entertainment manager at the Table Mountain Casino in Friant California and I know that was awhile ago but the pictures are so good that I just had to send them. Dad & Ashley

Wow Tom...SUPER!!!! I was going to compliment you on your great photography skills!!!! LOL  Very nice photos indeed!!! I think you just might need a couple of MB signatures to make them perfect!!!!  Hi Miss Ashley!!! Lots of love to you both!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks a million Tom for putting them in here for us - they are wonderful.....that top picture is just magical - beautiful....hey Ashley, what do you think ???   Super, aren't they ???   Think they deserve a WOW !!! :)  Thanks again Tom ! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

WOW TOM, I LOVE THESE!!!  MB playing guitar is my fav thing. THANKS SO MUCH!!!!! Not too late at all...Wow, how nice they sent them to you guys!!!!!


Robin in Maryland :)