Hi Everybody

Seems the other thread got left behind so here's a new one

I have 35 more sleeps

All the best

Dianna xxx

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Thank you everybody for all your very special messages
How was the concert?
I have no idea where to start unbelieveable
What a night!
Michael was so powerful and overwhelming perfect
He sang so many songs,one after the other he just hit them into the ball park and I wouldn't and couldn't have faulted him on any of it.
I have read so many of your reviews that I just knew I was going to fall in love all over again with MIchael's Music and I did.
We didn't get any good picture's honest or I would share them with you
But to be honest Bill and I were having such a great time who wants to sit there taking pictures when you could be singing at the top of your lungs (Me) and dancing.
When Michael disappeared off the stage I of cause knew exactly what was about to happen so I stood up and turn to see of cause our Michael in the crowd belting out When a man love a women so of cause I went to the stage and touch he's hand not once but twice (they are so soft and yes ladies his hands were cold but mine were colder lol.
I had all intentions of writing all the songs down but you know how it goes it very hard to dance in your seat,take pictures and try and write lol so I choose to dance in my seat sorry!
Just off the top of my head he sang
Sittin on the dock of the bay
Soul Provider
Time love and Tenderness
New York New york
How am I surpose to live without you
Murder my heart
Hope it's too late
To love somebody (Bill had been singing this to me all day lol)
Nessun Dorma (I couldn't even begin to describe how listening to Michael sing this song made me feel,he's just perfect)
That's life
Steel bars (I've always loved this song now I love it even more
Rock me baby ( Yes Jennifer he did and it was so good!)
Go the distance was the last song he sang my gosh what a wonderful song
So many more I'll try to remember perhaps Pam can remember some and Jan can help us out as well!

SO then (I didn't tell you that I had backstage passes in case Michael changed his mind!) it was backstage I tell you there were 8 of us 2 men and 6 women
So Tony gets our names and explains that only one person would be taking pictures and he would send them to us though our e-mail so I haven't recieved mine yet
We are given our instructions and seated waiting for "The voice" It was to be quick if I had to say anything at this stage Michael although was in good spirits he looked tired.
I had with me my scrapbook that I had made a number of years ago he was inpressed!
when he seen me he says "Ah you were in the front of the stage" lol
I gave Bill my Blackjack record and Tim's says to him"He will like that","It's a collecters item you know" he says!
(Tim if you read this Thank-you for the pleasure (I wanted to have a picture with him and Michaels says have a picture" I think they thought I was joking but I wasn't and they were leaving all surrounding Michael
I think he would have if I had asked sooner lol)

(Tony you were a doll thank you so much for all your help!)

I will take a picture of these (but I will use my daughters camera lol
I was first, so first thing I said was, it was a fanastic show Michael and I hope we don't have to wait that long again and he promised me we wouldn't yahhhoooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second thing I said was a big hello from all of you I mentioned a far few of you and even mentioned Helen's tattoo he was smiling so I gave him a hit (You know a friendly tap) and he was grinning from ear to ear very very cute!!!!!!!!!!!!
Than I asked him a question about he's writing wheather he still wrong pen to paper or used a computer he said really it was more pen and paper.
Now I had been trying to think of a gift and you can do all the usual stuff stuffed toys etc etc but I have always been a bit different and I wanted something I believe he would keep and use so I bought him a space pen I said to him you can even write songs under water ha ha
I asked him would he like my gift and he said "I would be honoured to have your gift Dianna"

Just think people the next hit could be wrote with the pen I had given him.

So we waited for the rest to have their go and as Michael was leaving I said to him

"Keep punching Mike" tears welled in his eyes and he puts he's hand on his heart and he says very softly"Thank-you Dianna"
Oh wow it was beautiful we shared a magic moment just the 2 of us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bill could not have been more inpressed with Michael's performance
He was totally amazed and Michael I am sure you now have a new fan.
I couldn't have asked for a more perfect evening than I had
Can't wait til he comes back lol
Miss him or ready!

If I had to sum up the night in one word Unbelieveable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The band was brillant all of them were smiling laughing and having a fanastic time.
They really were enjoying themselves and Michael was in fine form having a joke here and there

It was a dream of mine that has happened and I could probably babble on and on but I have to get ready and head out for the day
So I will be floating around not really knowing what I am doing for the next year reliving the concert in my head waiting for Michael's return!

Love to all you very special people
Dianna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
WOW Dianna, We were just saying we have been hoping to hear from you. I am so thrilled you had a wonderful time and the meeting with Michael went so very well for you!!! Woooo Hoooo!!! I do hope the photo is great of you with Michael!!!! That was a wonderful gift and I knew he would love the scrapbook and the record both!!! I love you pen idea as a gift.. OMG girl, I am sitting here grinning from ear to ear for you. I can feel your excitement all the way over here in the USA!!!!!!!! MB makes you feel so special doesn't he.!!!!! Wow!!!

Congratulations-you had all of us along for this ride with you in spirit!!!!!
Robin :)
Robin I couldn't have asked for everything to be any better than it was
I was so very grateful just to say Thank-you to Michael
I felt you were all on the rollercoaster ride from over here.
Love Dianna xxx
Wow, sounds like you had a really, really great time!!! I don't blame you for not wanting to take pictures when you really wanted to enjoy the concert!! Sometimes it is hard to do both!!! I am so glad you got to go backstage, that sounded like it went so well!! I can really feel the excitement in your post and you can keep reliving it over and over!! We all thought about you on your special night!!
Kerie it is just so very hard to write the way you feel
I just knew I wanted to enjoy everything I could because who knows how long I will wait for the next one.
I think of this special night and it will always put a smile on my face Honest it was as close to perfect as you can get.
Love Dianna xxx
Wow Dianna what a night you had :) how did you get Backstage passes?
sounds like you made a big impression and he sounded so lovely :)

Seems like we both got pretty much the same set list, i was soooo happy as love Hope its too late :)
Ive posted my pics on facebook with a link on my sydney concert link.
Like you i wanted to enjoy it so didnt pay too much attention to the camera, just put in on contniuous shoot, so ended up with 500+ photos but only a few were any good, lots of headless ones, pics of nothing etc LOL

I was so hating dancing in my seat, i was glad we got to stand up towards the middle, last time i saw him everyone stood up at the beginning and stayed up.
But oh yeah he was wonderful :)
Glad it was so magic for you :) xx
Hi Kim,

I was given them Kim.
Michael was everything I expected him to be a beautiful soul.
Kim your photos are fanastic I wish I had some that were as good but honestly my photos are awful lol
It's very hard to sit still
I did get in a little bit of trouble at the start because I got up from my seat a lady came over and told me I must remain in my seat.
She was lovely but it is really hard to seat there and not feel like dancing!!!!!!!!

He trully is wonderful
Am looking so very forward til the next time
I glad you hard a great time as well
Love Dianna xxx
Oh Dianna, I,m so glad you had such a wonderful time, a dream come true. It must have been wonderful to meet Michael, from everything I,ve ever read about him and listening to his music he comes across as a very compassionate, lovely person.
You will treasure the memory of that meeting forever, I,m sure. I hope to meet him someday.
I can tell you,re still on a high, you waited a long time for this moment, hope there,s a next time!
Love Sandra xxx
Thanks Sandra I am still very much on a high.
And I hope one day you get the chance to meet Michael as well.
He seems to be a very sincere man and I think he would be a very honest person,
I will treasure the whole night forever.
Love Dianna xxx
Hi, Dianna
I'm really really so happy for you, your all review is fantastic!!!
as if were pics are your words, so that, don't worry about them,
I make sure you that you always keep these memories on your mind
You deserve it !!!
Take care
Hi Mariu,
Thank you for your kind words
Honestly it was but a dream come true
Loved every minute of it

Love Dianna xxx
Hi again Sylvie. No I haven't got the Bolton Swings Sinatra CD. I never could stand Sinatra but in saying that I suppose it's Michael singing Sinatra's songs might have to think about it??? and you are right he can sing any song beautifully. No the CD was signed when we bought it I wasn't as lucky as Dianna actually meeting him although one of the ushers did tell me that if I stood near the stage door entrance I might have seen him but really it was 11 o'clock and husband was sitting in the car waiting for me so thought better of it. I'm with Dianna though, I think my husband would have loved the show. He loves drums etc. and the whole show was very orchestral. Next time. Oh I hope it's not another 15 years. I wish now I had taken my old programme because when he appeared behind me I could have showed it to him probably wouldn't have meant much but he may have suggested he sign it afterwards doubt it though. He hasn't changed in appearance at all except for the long hair. Must be nice to go 15 years and still have the look!!!!! Cute bum too in his jeans. Didn't go to the stage;. Fans were more than responsive I really think he enjoyed himself. I'll be taking the plunge earlier than I did next time he's in town Sylvie that's for sure.

Hugs from Pam (Aussie)


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