A few months ago Michael posted about being involved in and Andy Samberg project...well it is being released on May 10th and Michael is featured in a track entitled Jack Sparrow.  Check out more info here:



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Ok fair enough, but do you actually know what the song is about?  Have you taken the trouble to find out?  Don't just hear the words find out for yourself what they mean.  It's all Urban Slang and it's not nice.

Hi Jude, Yes I know the content and know the slang used here and listened to the words from the first listen-but it's done in fun,in jest of a late night TV program. Its not to be taken seriously. Sorry if you don't like the content in Jack Sparrow- that's ok too, we all have a right to express how we feel. I love it and will keep listening to it and MB had fun doing it..so to me it's all good. No one is making anyone listen to it if they aren't enjoying it.. Have a good day..

Robin :)

Hi Jude, there’s one thing you may not know about “The Lonely Island”: they’re a comedy team, parodying today’s music. We don’t need to understand every word to grasp what the song is about. However, Michael  Bolton himself perceives the team to be brilliant and that’s why he decided to work with them. This does not mean he will change his lifestyle and embrace the one depicted in the song. This was meant as a comedy skit, not your idea of comedy, we understand that. To return to a previous comment I’ve posted, when Michael sang “Fool for love” with Johnny Hallyday, the words went: “I took her life, her tender life, I couldn’t bare to think that she would live and love and give herself to any other man than me”, it didn’t mean that he would become a murderer or support anyone who did, plus this song was a serious one. We all know for a fact that Michael has the upmost respect for women and that the “Scarface” references are simply that. We understand that you don’t care for this kind of content and frankly, nor do I, but I choose to ignore  most of it because I truly enjoy Michael’s vocal performance and sing whole-heartedly when Michael goes: “now back to the good part”! At the risk of repeating myself, this is one track on a comedy record and Michael has no plans for this to become his future genre that we are aware of. You are perfectly entitled to not buy it, listen to it or supportit in any way so let’s agree to disagree on the value of this product. Thank you for your time Jude, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

P.S.: I agree and want to thank Dianna and Robin for sharing.

Hi Jude,

Yes I have listened to the song and do actually know what it is about.

I agree with Robin and Sylvie as well

It really was done in fun.

I feel........... I don't even think Michael realised what a sensation it would cause in so many ways.

All the best

Love Dianna xxx

I enjoyed all your writings ladies...Jude, Robin Md, Dianna and Sylvie.......Michael should be very proud to read such an intellectual discussion of his video. I am sure these very same thoughts went through his mind. I agree with all of you and this discussion is a perfect example of todays communication capabilities and how we use them. Comedy vs. reality and where we all draw the line is very personal. That Michael was able to just create such dialogue is really a blessing!!!! I am sooooo glad to be a part of it!!! I also believe that Michael's appearance in this video will continue to benefit him and hopefully open up more possibilities for him. We all support Michael and will continue to do so is the final word!!!!

And yes....I still laugh hysterically when even thinking of the video!!!! I can't believe that I decided on a whim to watch SNL and there was Michael in all his pirate glory!!!!!! LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

Hey Kathy, I appreciate your 2 cents sweetie. Didn't I say we were an elevated bunch? ;D Take care Kathy and have a great day! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hey to All!

I've said it before and I'll say it again & again....Michael is the only "1" who can sing the "F" word and make it

sound pretty! LOL:)!  It's just a word, try not to read to much into it....I Love that video, It cracks me up

because you just don't think he even says a word like that... But it's All in good intentional Fun!

Michael knew we could use a really good laugh, and he Delivered!!! JMO! Have A Great Day:)!

Mary (M&M's)!

Correct me if I am wrong, but I dont believe that it is the actual words used by Michael that is offending some people, but rather the terminology expressed by the lonely Island guys themselves.


The F' word and the C' word are in essence just a group or collection of letters put together to form a sound and some believe that the F' word can be traced back in history to the 15th Century and is actually an acronym for 'Fornication under consent of the King'. These facts are unfounded however, but would make a lot of sense understanding the history of the 15th century as I do.


Some believe that todays over use of the F'word has gone someway to 'de-vulgerise' it and its use today more commonly extended to mean dismissed, disdained, defiled or destroyed.


Some of the terms vocalised in the song (not in Michaels parts I hasten to add) could be deemed as vile, derogatory, insulting to women and inflammatory and more beffittingly found in (c)rap artists music such as P Diddy, 50 Cent, Eminem, NDubz, Black eyed peas etc..


Knowing and understanding Michaels past and his strong connection to his own charitys for women and children at risk, I believe that this is where some people are struggling to comprehend how he can possibly be involved with a production that 'appears' to ridicule women and describes them in the manner of which are vocalised in the song.


As always we are all entitled to our own oppinions and views and I respect them even if they are not of mine own.


My oppinion is that as the Lonely Island songs are always parody's,  'send ups'  (ie taking the pee out of and ridiculing situations and other song lyrics and artists) I believe that the message behind The Lonely Island portions of Jack sparrow is that they are taking the pee out of or 'sending up' artists such as those that I've listed above, who only seem capable of using this kind of content to sell their records rather than actually writing decent and proper lyrics that really makes sense and hold meaning because they can only think of words that rhyme with these these types of words.


Again, this is just my oppinion now that I have listened to the song over and over and over.


Thank you everyone for the frank, open, honest and adult discussion on this topic without any mud slinging. It is interesting to read everyone views and oppinions.


Love Jennifer XX

Hey Jude,

These are cuss words, but he's not taking the Lord's name in vain....These are man made words, I personally

laugh my butt off when I hear this video/song! Maybe you should just keep to listening to Michael's music, you don't

have to like this video or watch it! But we All like it, so please don't try to ruin it for us:)!  This is Michael's site, for his true Fans,

we don't chastise him here! We love him & his voice! JMO! Life is too short! Enjoy it while you can! Live a little, Laugh Alot:)!

Mary (M&M's)!

Everybody is entitled to post their oppinion and I believe it is interesting to be able to see both sides of the coin so to speak.


Swearing in songs or indeed in life in general is not everyones liking. Some people can go through their lives without ever muttering one word of profanity whilst others fling these words around with gay abandon as if they are the norm.


I believe its all down to personal choice and your up bringing. If you are not used to this kind of language then you may find it offensive and no amount of trying to accomodate it, will make you more comfortable with it.


I believe that sometimes using profanities can be a indicate of a lack of inteligence because you are unable to find any other suitable word to use in its place. However, at other times, such a word is the only one that is adequate to sum up your feelings or mood at that specific moment in time.


I'm certain that Michael will forgive and understand anyone who doesnt like it and will appreciate their feelings behind their dislike. It wont have been an easy decision for him either.


Whatever your oppinion is, everyone is welcome to their own and I am interested to read them all. Whether we like it or dont like it, Michael took part if this for his own personal gratification and we have to accept his decision even if it contradicts our own personal beliefs.





Now Back to The Good Part:)!  It won't be long before we All get our "Gems" in the mail. I'm so excited!

I want to hear the whole thing! Michael, Michael he's our man if he can't sing it nobody can:)!

have a great day!

Mary (M&M's)!

Michael Bolton Wants to Make Movie with Lonely Island Guys

Not long ago, Michael Bolton teamed up with the Lonely Island -- the musical comedy team that includes Saturday Night Live star Andy Samberg -- to create an SNL digital short called Jack Sparrow. The spoof was such a hit, with 22 million YouTube views and counting, that now, Michael says he'd like to do something a bit more substantial. He tells Canada's QMI news agency, "What I really want to do is make a movie with these guys. They're so talented, it's not funny."

As a result of the short, Michael's surprised to find himself suddenly cool in the eyes of young people. "I'm getting high-fived in airports by teenage guys," he says. "It's very interesting. It's a very different thing for me."

Michael realizes that one reason the short was so funny was because everyone thinks he doesn't have a sense of humor. But he tells QMI, "If you spend two hours around me, you'll know that I find something funny about almost every single thing going on. I think the thing about me taking myself too seriously probably came out because I took my career seriously."



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