We may start getting a few promotional appearances for GEMS now.  The first will be June 8th on the Loveline with Dr. Drew from 10 p.m. to midnight.  You can find a station here:




Also it looks like you can listen live or on the website either after but you have to be a loveline member. 








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Now the love line show in chicago time, is it 10 p.m. Pacific time or what? I'm confused because someone said they were getting something at 9 p.m. Help! Help! or is it 7 p.m. Pacific 6/8/11 with the love line? I thought someone told me 10 p.m. pacific time. I'll probably miss it since I don't know the time. please don't send me a DM, I don't know how to retrieve them. Thanks. Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Hey to All of you!

As you know I do like my Country Music, too! And the CMA Awards show will be on this Weds.night...Rascal Flatts are going to be performing...

I'd love it if they sang "Love Is Everything".....I'll let you all know!  I called and requested it today on the radio station...Just warming up for the release

of "Gems"....gotta make sure Michael gets more attention.....And I want to hear All of this song, sang!

have a great day!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Break a leg Mary about the CMA's! Have you read anything specific about the performance on their site? It would be great promotion, but since "Love is everything" isn't the single, I don't know. We have CMT so I'll have to check it out, thanks for the heads up! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada 

Hey Sylvie,

They didn't sing "Love Is Everything, but the song they sang was Beautiful, "I will stand by you",  I hear it every morning on CMT! Plus:

Get this the "Bieber" was there and they got an award for "That could be me"....Michael will Win with them next year!

If they do a video, which I'm sure they will!  Ok. I haven't heard a word about Michael, and it's time for me to go to bed soon...

So in case I fall asleep someone tell me about it! I had a Full day....Finishing getting Meg ready for her trip to Florida,she leaves Fri.

for 10 days:)!  Keep her in your prayers!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Hey Mary, oh I love the song “I’ll stand by you”, if it’s the one from the Pretenders. I’m not a Pretenders fan but  I love this song! Cool Rascal Flats got an award and let's keep our fingers crossed for next year! Meggy will be fine girl, sounds like she’s with really good people. Wish her a good trip for me, will you? Take care Mary. Big hugs to you both, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Don't forget...tonight is Lovelines...

Hope to be able to stay awake to hear it!! LOL

Robin in Maryland EAST Coasters have a long night/morning!!LOL

Hi ladies....it is 9:34 here in L.A. and hoping to listen to Michael on Loveline. Says you need to be a member but I think that is for listening to the show at a convenient time different from the live show. I will be listening live. Right now they are just playing music :)

Keep you posted!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Kathy,

I am confused. I am listening too, but did not become a member and right now there is a lot of talking going on (forget about that :-(((( )... An hour ago, there was an interview with Linkin Park and their new soundtrack album

Am I going to miss MB?

Nevertheless, have a great day




This is the station Gail found, you don't have to be a member to their station and they carry Loveline..Hope this works..I took a 2 hour nap!!! LOL

Robin in MD :)

Robin isn't that Chicago time though?

Yeah but I am listening and it's streaming now, Ithought it wasn't on till1:00 my time but it's on now..I dunno, see what happens in another hour..LOL If it's 10:00 your time it should be 1:00 a.m my time but I dunno now..I read on FB he's not on yet, the girls are listening overseas too on this Chicago station.


Robin :)


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