We may start getting a few promotional appearances for GEMS now.  The first will be June 8th on the Loveline with Dr. Drew from 10 p.m. to midnight.  You can find a station here:




Also it looks like you can listen live or on the website either after but you have to be a loveline member. 








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Well as I am the professional stalker I may as well stalk the mailman/postman too - why not .....should get a little billboard made out of your icon Joy and hang it round my neck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL.    In actual fact my postman, John, he is killing his self laughing at me just now and yesterday I met him in the supermarket and he turned and run back up the aisle away from me and I couldn't move for laughing and he could hardly get back into the aisle cause he was laughing that much as well  -  needless to say some people gave a wide berth too whilst others wanted to know what the joke was so they got told about Michael Bolton and Gems - OMG it was a good laugh !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Oh Sylvia, lol thanks for sharing your mailman story, that's just too funny! lol Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
As I said, My friend got me MB'S CD yesterday. It's ever oh! so! much! more! than I anticipated. Who is singing with Michael on Make you feel my love? Did you folks know Bob Dylan wrote that song&that Garth Brooks&Billy Joel recorded it. Love all versions. I think the second song has to be my ultimate favorite. To me, this is the best CD since "Till the End of Forever"&I'm glad he's doing songs from it. Boltonnut from L. A. CA
Eva Cassidy is from maryland--around the DC area. Awesome. She died so young. I've heard here before. So young. boltonnut from L. A. CA

Ladies...now the government knows why sooooo many mail carriers are resigning unexpectedly.....because they are being attacked by impatient and waiting weary Bolton fans!!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Yep. Instead of folks in the post office going postal, we are going postal on them. :)))))) Boltonnut from L. A. CA

I will try again and hope this lands appropriately!!!! I LOVED your mailman story Sylvia!!!!!! LOL Too funny!!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Karen. That one grabbed me too!Robin in MD

Maybe Michael will deliver our Gems himself, now that would be Awesome! I hope it comes tomorrow!

Keeping my fingers crossed!

Mary (M&M"s)!

Nope, sorry Mary, Michael is busy tomorrow, remember? :D Don't forget to set your VCR sweetie and good luck with the mailman! Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

P.S.: Hey, Meg's back, isn't she? Tell her I said hi and give her a big hug for me okay?


After he comes to my house!  A girl can dream, right!  Instead I think it's going to be Tom, my mailman, delivering mine.  Oh, well...

I'm hoping for mine today!


Yeah, Wally Mart gave me my CD. A girl can dream to have Michael bring his Gems to my house, right? Boltonnut from L. A. CA