We may start getting a few promotional appearances for GEMS now.  The first will be June 8th on the Loveline with Dr. Drew from 10 p.m. to midnight.  You can find a station here:




Also it looks like you can listen live or on the website either after but you have to be a loveline member. 








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Hey Kathy, that reminds me of those "thumbs up if you..." comments on YouTube! Is there a show of hands emoticon? :D Take care sweetie Now why do I feel like going: "When a MAN! loves a WOMAN!"? lol Take care Kathy. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thanks Diane :)

Kathy my hands are raised :)

Bill just ask me what I was raising my hands for LOL!

Love Dianna xxx

Thanks Diane for that other little snippet about "THE" show - I can't stop playing Michael and Regis WAMLAW and I am still laughing every time I see it for I think Regis looks and sounds as though he has just invented another medical miracle in how to deal with constipation: I just think that man is terrific for if you can take the mickey out of yourself like he does - wow - that is some guy and no wonder Michael likes him and OMG Sylvie I can hear you singing it exactly the same as Regis and, will I let you all know, I wouldn't even attempt that for I would be, and am, worse !!! lol.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend. 

LOL LO LOL Diane that is cute even if it isn't true!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL  Regis is too cute and I am glad that he and Michael got to chat before he retired!! Thank you also Sylvie for the Regis re-cap of the actual words he sings!! Too funny!!! And Sylvia...Regis constipated??? Maybe...LOL I beat you all at having a horrible voice!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Diane,

I actually found that segment on the website for The Regis & Kelly show!  Here is the link:


Oh Sylvia, lol I think you nailed it right on the head about Regis and the cure for constipation! Lol lol lol Regis is a riot: you should have heard him  gloating years ago,  after the one time his team beat the Bolton Bombers… Regis is a character and they just don’t make them that way any more. I can understand  that it’s  time for him to retire, but I’m gonna miss him… BTW, I’m glad you could hear my impression of Regis Sylvia but it would be hard to get it down pat as he does! Lol Thanks for the smile sweetie and have a great day! Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

What a surprise when I got my new issue of Entertainment Weekly! For the first time in years, they've actually got a picture of Michael and a short review of "Gems: The Duets Collection". It's in the June 24th issue...page 75. EW hasn't put a review of MB's CDs in their magazine in years! They're giving is a rating of C+, but WE know it'll be an "A"!



Good work detective Joy:)! LOL! But really how did you find this? Thanks for sharing!

Mary (M&M's)!

Thanks Joy

I love art :)

Love Dianna xxx

Thanks for that Joy - what a good read !!! :)  Wonder just how that was chosen for the cover - who knew about and who thought it would be perfect; for it certainly is perfect with those little "gems" carrying those baskets of flowers and to be able to see the overall painting that really gives the true picture but I do like the segment they have taken out of and used - really beautiful ! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Joy, I tried but don't have access to the article, would you be able to copy it here? Just checking. Thanks for sharing sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

I really can't wait to get my "Gems" cd, in the mail! I have called home from work hoping it would be here and everything:)!

Sometimes I get so stressed out at my job...and I really could use a good picker upper, if you know what I mean! Michael's songs usually

get me through the rough patches in the road:)!  I want my Gems! Hurry up Mailman.....LOL!

Have a Great Day everyone!

Mary (M&M's)!