Here we go with the New 2011 Concert Tour Review Thread. Michael's tour begins again in the USA in Florida on January 13, 2011!!!!!!!!  I hope Michael is well rested and ready to get back out on the road!


Please share your concert experiences, pictures, video links etc. with us here. We love hearing about the concerts and the great times had by the fans.

You all have made these threads fun in the past and I look forward to more adventures and fun this year!!

I look forward to reading everyone's reviews once again and also contributing some of my own in 2011!


Have fun everyone!! Not much longer till Michael and the band hit the road again!


Robin in Maryland,  USA

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Oh Christine thanks so much for that review of Stuttgart and for including that picture of Michael - oh it is beautiful !! :)  I am so pleased too that you got another autograph and that you got the tour book with your question answered - so pleased for you Christine but - I do not know what to say about the balloons and I can well imagine Michael having a laugh - you should have given them to him to blow up and told him to make a better job of it than you and then when they burst you could have laughed at him !! lol.  Glad you and Ivana got the good seats even if yours was on the floor - super that they allowed you to stay there !! :)  

Thanks again Christine !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend. 

Thanks to everyone&their reviews. Seems all enjoyed&I'm glad. Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

Oh, Thank You Tine for this info! And heh, this what you wrote....


Well, Ivana and I had first row tickets, but far at the edge of the field so we couldn't see Michael whenever he went on (acutally "our") left side...but we solved this problem very fast. There was another place free in the first row (perfectly located to the stage!) for whatever reason so Ivana took that place and I just sat down on the floor in front of her. And everything was perfect! exactly, what we Pink Ladies! Like I in Antwerpen, I was standing there next to the stage, infront of Michael, didn't go anywhere, even they told to Helen and her son, that they need to sit down...but offcourse I didn't hear that...and course my mother's language is not english...didn't even understand what they told to Helen...Heh, heh! If somebody from the security, saying something for me anymore...I immediatly start speaking my own language, Finnish to them...and they can't understand a word what I'm talking about...and then they realize, that there is now way, how they make me to understand them either...and leave me alone!!! I've learned my lessons about that in RAH, London, 2009...I had 4 ticket's to the concert, 1 for the first row, but unfortunately my friend lost THAT ticket, didn't have a copy of it and we couldn't get a new copy from what I did...I just walked there to the first row and sat down to my place. Helen saw it all, how security guys came and told me to go off from that place, without a ticket!! I didn't go anywhere, I FIGHTED for my place, I show to those people all the tickets I had and fortunately I had somekind of document that I had bought a ticket to the first row too, but didn't know the number of the place!! But it was the only free place, so offcourse it was mine...I just didn't go anywhere, and as I'm handicapped person, so don't they dare to touch me...I suit them...when I know, that I'm not doing anything wrong (I know Michael wants us to come near to the stage, he has TOLD IT to us and I have seen so many times when he's asking the audience, with his hands, to come near to the stage, that is the way Michael likes, so that is the way I do, in his concert's and going to carry on in all of his future concert's too!), lol!

How You managed to broke those balloon's, Tine? Heh, I had one with me in Antwerpen concert too, but cause it says 'Germany' I didn't give it to Michael there, instead I kept it as a memory for myself! But later I was in a real trouble with that Balloon, I couldn't open it again how hard I tried to do that, so I took a needle...but even that I made 2 holes, that air didn't come out from my balloon!!! Heh, need to make 3rd hole and keep that needle the way it helps me to 'strongly push' that air out of the balloon!!! No, Tine, they were not bad quality, HEH, not at all!!

I just LOOVE that pic...Michael looks perfect for me...LOOVE that smile of his!!! Please Tine, I don't know how to copy it from here, can You send it in an e-mail for me??!!

Really pleased You got Your 3rd autograph, concrats! They are Your treasures, I know, like mine is for me too!! Thank You so much for You kindness and help for me in Berlin, that I was able to have mine! Without You, I wouldn't know, how to go to the took me with You there....for that favour...I'm gonna LOOVE YOU FOREVER, Tine! And You are so welcomed to Finland with Your husband anytime! I will look after You then, lol!


Next time...I hope he comes to Finland...and all Pink Ladies too...I'm gonna work hard for that...and then, at least 5 first rows are REAL fans of Michaels and we are going to make SOOO much noice, that Michael will remember it...FOREVER!!!



Jaana....from Finland xx

I am with you there Jaana - FINLAND here we come.....I want a Finnish flag so that I can wave it !!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Now that's the way to handle a situation:)! And Yes, Michael wants Us to have Lots of Fun when he's performing for Us, wherever he may be!

He says so at the yeah, I do a lot of Screaming as well, I can relate:)! Great story! Glad you had Fun!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Hi again Jaana.....what a Bolton Attitude you have girl!! I will create a new language to keep security away from me!!!! Thanks for all the laughs :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Jaana, I'm glad that worked out with the ticket&everything was a plus at the concert. Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA

Hi Christine,

ask Robin ("Boltonnut") how to cope with the "Bolton-downer" - I bet she knows some medicine LOL


that's right. I'm the doctor supplying the upper for Boltonnitis Oops. Made up a medical term here. Woo Hoo. Also, boltonnizing is the best medication especially when one goes through withdrawals. :) Boltonnut from L. A. CA USA.

LOL.  Absolutely love it Robin - Boltonnitis and Boltonnizing - just brilliant !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Hi Christine, thank you for  completing the review sweetie! I’m very happy for you that you’ve solved your seat problem without hassles! I’m also glad you got your tour book too! That’s going to be one very memorable tour  and it sounds like absolutely everybody had a great time! Thank you for sharing crazy pink lady and enjoy your beautiful pink cloud! :D Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Christine what a fun review!!!! I love how you "made" your own seat!!! Now that is the Bolton Fan style if I ever heard of one!!!! Bless the German security or did you look so fierce and determined that they thought best to stay away!!! LOL Thanks for the above photo also :) 

Kathy and LAFD Bob