We may start getting a few promotional appearances for GEMS now.  The first will be June 8th on the Loveline with Dr. Drew from 10 p.m. to midnight.  You can find a station here:




Also it looks like you can listen live or on the website either after but you have to be a loveline member. 








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Cute Helena....I already have too many bumps on my noggin' from such flying objects so I didn't reply!!!!!!! ROFL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Yeh I slapped you one - my arm has gone elastic and just you all wait till the rest of the body comes flying over - lumps and bumps will be ironed out for have you ever seen a squashed tomato ??? LOL.  The mistake came because my shorthand is getting so darn rusty - I had my glasses on, honest !!!! lol.


On what this thread is about I was delighted this morning with one e-mail because it was from Amazon telling me that I could now buy Michael Bolton's Gems and I got sent it because I have already purchased a Michael CD from them so if everyone who has done the same gets an e-mail I would say that is pretty good advertising and should sell a few more !! :)   I am going back up to Greenock so will check in on a store there and I am also up in Glasgow during the week so I will see how things go and maybe get the chance to have a look round some stores there but, so far, from ones I have phoned and looked up on the internet it looks as though the mid to southern half of the west of Scotland is pretty berefit !!


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Oh boy Sylvia, I must have gotten the notice about "Gems" 3 or 4 times now, since before it was released! At least, I'm really happy to say that my Wall-Mart  has now recieved it. Thanks for sharing Sylvia, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Ha Ha, I guess the wee One is still sailing with those tall ships to reach the islands in the "sun" - she might finally need vacations - well deserved, of course. I hope she has a laptop and free internet to stay tuned ...

Thanks Helena


LOL.  Oh I will definitely need the connection Astrid so that I can keep making all the mistakes  I do for I do not want any of you to think I am perfect - fat chance !!! lol.   It was all those "S's" with that "s"tream I "s"ailed down on the Mir, the "S"oviet tall "s"hip, to get to the "s"un that was what confused me and as you all know it doesn't take a lot to confuse me !!! LOL.


"S"ylvia.   Your wee "S"cottish friend.

Sylvia Sails without a Ship.......LOL  ;)

Kathy and LAFD Bob


Going to go off topic a little again for yes Kathy no ships for me as they are all leaving today - hope to get some good pics from where I stay although I believe they will take the far channel not what is known as the Largs Channel, a pity, but they are continuing to head up north in the next leg of the Race but yesterday I went back up to Greenock and oh it was tremendous, the atmosphere was electric and what struck me as I was leaving and I turned to take in one final last look was the fact that there were hundreds of children about from little toddlers to teens and the rest of us "children" were all there too, BUT,  what struck me was I hadn't heard one crying, not one the whole three hours I was there and I just thought - wow - that is what life is about ...having FUN !!! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend

Islands in the Stream, one of my favorite songs of all times, by Dolly & Kenny! It came out when I first started dating my husband:)!  I'll bet Michael could sing it pretty awesome, too!

Mary (M&M's)!

Yes Mary always thought that was a beautiful song - loved it from the minute I first heard it and it hasn't lost any of its appeal.....now trying to pick someone Michael could sing it with and I know somebody he could have sang it with and that would have been June Carter - believe their voices together would have been awesome or another being Billie Jo Spears or Lynne Anderson or, hey, how about Joan Biaz .... got to stop the list goes on and on !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Thanks to Gail and Sylvia!


Hi Sylvie,

here are my "2 cents":

the Prayers duets: I have listened to so many different versions and I must admit most of them are really inspiring - different voices/timbres bring up different thoughts and emotions. I've got one duet couple almost under my skin: MB and Helene Fischer LOL

Steve Nicks & Tom Petty are a duet on their own right and I like both of them, but this was new to me.

Tammi Terrell - such a short life full of pain - & Marvin Gaye - no words are needed.

James Ingram and Patti Austin. I am not too familiar with them - but they really match and I like the lyrics.


The Bee Gees did a great job on Islands in the stream - and so did Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. they made me fly and feel grounded at the same time from the first time I listened to this song. I love the Bee Gees' version too.

Smiling greetings from


GREAT!!! Thanks Gail!! What a good idea to ask Michael his favorite duets!! New spin for PR on GEMS!! I like it :)))

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks Gail

I don't think it's in our people mag over here

But I think it's wonderful Michael is getting seen everywhere again

Thanks for sharing

Love Dianna xxx


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