Michael wil be on 2GB Alan Jones from Sydney on Monday - there's a listen live link
here www.2gb.com

On air at 3:10pm Sunday Pacific Time / 6:10pm Eastern Time



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Going to work out time and get that alarm clock set......thanks for information Gail and the link - wonderful !! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Well, folks, I got to hear the on on the Austrqalia radio. Loved it. I even accessed it ok with the instructions given to me from Sylvie. It was awesome. Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Ok Sounds like that's what I'll be doing Sunday 3:10pm

Love Dianna xxx


Thanks for the info and the link Gail, much appreciated. Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Thanks Gail!!! I guess while he's there for the XFactor appearance the next day..  I hope to catch it! Thanks!

Robin in MD:)

Hey folks I have just worked out when I have to get up to listen to Michael on Monday morning and it ain't too bad at all for it works out that it will be on here at 7.10 a.m. - pretty good and just thought I would say if there is anybody else in the UK interested in knowing what time it will be on here, there you have it !!! :)

Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.

Am getting myself totally confused here and had put in two further posts about times of show....going to start again.....I walked away after having put in above comment and thought to myself something is wrong especially when I remembered seeing Dianna's comment that she was going to watch the show on SUNDAY at 3.10 p.m........it says the show is going to be on on MONDAY but it states 3.10 p.m. SUNDAY Pacific time below......so what day is it that it is on ????   That would make it 4.10 a.m. either tomorrow or Monday for me but what I can't work out is where the 6.10 p.m. Eastern time comes in because NY is 5 hours behind me and CA is 8 hours behind me giving not a 5 hour time difference in America but 3 hours so it would not be 6.10 p.m. in CA it would 8.10 p.m.       I'll get up tomorrow/today (it is now 00.45 on Sunday) at 4.00 and see if it is on and then if it is not I'll know it is on on Monday ...wow, state the obvious, why don't you Sylvia !!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your absolutely and utterly confused wee Scottish friend.....OMG the pickles I get myself into .....sometimes I wonder how I get out of a room once I get in !!!! LOL.


Don't forget we put our clocks back. Not sure when or if Australia/America have yet. Or they may do this weekend. I'm totally lost and can't find anything on the website of help.    Good luck!


di, Scotland

I will complicate matters further because I have checked the programme details and can't find a link between Alan Jones and any time mentioned......he does a breakfast show 5 a.m. - 9 a.m. every morning Monday - Friday .....he also does a Highlights show with Ray Hadley 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Monday - Friday........between 3 p.m. and 6. p.m. it is a show with Ben Fordham although with that one we get a bit near because it is called Sydney Live and 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. is a money programme.....so 3.10 p.m. and 6.10 p.m. don't fit anywhere for Monday except possibly with Ben Fordham.     On Sunday Alan Jones doesn't have a programme and I can't see one where Michael would be on because on Sunday it is gardening, pets and religion.....not unless he is going to go on the pets programme and talk about Parker or Buza I don't see there being much chance of us hearing Michael on Sunday. LOL.  Tell you something now I am not getting up at 4.00 a.m. this morning I will wait and see what has happened whilst I have been in dreamland.

Hi Diane,   Just caught your message and yes did take change of clocks into account ....America changes tonight but it doesn't make any real difference because what happened with the time was that last week after we had changed ours then NY was only 4 hours behind and CA only 7 hours behind and then we catch up again this weekend when they go back the one.....don't know which one Australia goes with but finding out now the times of the programmes throws a whole new light on.   As I say and what I will do is adopt the good old British policy : "wait and see !!!" LOL


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.

Oh my gosh...how do you keep all of that straight...I'm lost and sorry for the confusion.  I posted the note exactly how it was sent to me. I guess the main thing is to find out when it is on in Australia and we can go from there. I'll check but if anyone else finds out please post because being the weekend I might not get an answer in time.  Gail

OMG, Sylvia, formerly known as "Friendly Scottish Pirate",

I am back from Italy and could not resist to have a quick glimpse here on the forum while preparing for the week to come and I must admit: you made my day!!! LOL. I am with Gail to say: "Oh my gosh" LOL. Can't wait to meet your "time soulmate". It is so good to be "back to the good part". LOL

Thanks Dianna for clear information !! 

Greetings from Germany


Hey you, watch it Astrid, for there is two of us now for you to deal with and to keep you on your toes of "confusion" and "ramblings".....if my "soulmate" and I worked in unison there is no saying what we could do to this website certainly make sure that you will need another holiday soon or that you will definitely be delighted to be back at your work !! LOL.

Hope you had a great holiday Astrid and that you get chance to tune into link and hear Michael this evening I am certainly starting countdown time to when it will be on and looking forward to !!! :)


Sylvia.   Back to being your "annoying" wee Scottish friend - sailing days are over water was too rough !!!!! lol.


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