Thank you Sylvia,
I had no problem looking at this picture either,
I can find no translation for the word you have written that more Russian "slang" ??????? LOL. Я думаю, что вы в настоящее время непослушная девочка !!!! LOL
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Oh, Sylvia, excuse me!:)I do not know how to translate this word into English..
Sort of "knockout", "dreamboat","good-looke"..:))))
Yes, it's internet-slang.
GORGEOUS......!!!!!! Thanks Sylvia :))))))))
Kathy and LAFD Bob
Oh Sylvia, thanks for that one!!
In the slang of my teenage days of the 70's,
"Oh what a hunk!!"
from the Jersey Shore
Definitely go with you Olga on saying a dreamboat, or knockout .....without doubt, so your Кросавчег we will use often to describe MB and believe too it can be used for your new three pictures which are gorgeous !!! :))))) Thanks a lot for putting on here.....thanks Olga !!! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Girls, if I haven't told you this before I am telling on myself now....I put my Meg. on a softball team because he inspired me to do this for her:)! But she had the team we will always call "The Bad News Bears"....LOL:)! How else would she have heard about the pickles on a stick:)! She'd kill me if she knew I told you all this! Our secret!
Mary (Meg's mom)!
Hi, Sylvia and Olga
Adorable pics, I've not ever seen them, thank you so much !!!
Take care
Thanks for your story Mary about Meggy and I won't tell her anything when I pop over to FB and ask her about the "Bad News Bear's" Team.....I won't tell her you told me !!!!!!! ROFL.
Here are are another couple of pictures from Michael's softball days that I don't believe are on here .................
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
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