One of my favourite




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OK thanks for the explanation, I think I got it.  It's a bit confusing.  But I am sure Gail will save the day and let us know if we do something we shouldn't be doing!


Had to share this one from FB.....somebody has been busy already catching off of video and hope they manage to catch one of him sitting on table !! lol



Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hey Sylvia,

    How do you find these pix...OMG...I hope you had your coffee before you found this/these 2 pix...LOL! But on a serious this rain in the background or what? All I can say is in the words of my Meg...pure Hotness:)! So serious:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!

Hi Mary and what it is is just the background scenery and what they have used is what they use in the army for camoflauge to throw over things and it resembles a fishing net but is made of rope.....if you watch the video and can manage to stop looking at Michael you can see it in the background and it actually is draped down onto the floor !!! LOL.   I find them Mary because it is my friends that get up to doing things like that so it comes up on my page !! LOL.


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Thought this collage of photos from Michael's show in Richmond, Kentucky on Tuesday, 27th November was worth bringing over here and it was done by Marie Rusova.....hope you enjoy !! :)



Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Hi Sylvia,

thanks for sharing this beautiful collage. I know you are good at producing them, too. Can you teach me?

Good night from Germany


Hi Astrid and unfortunately I do not know the programme that Marie uses for it really is a great one but what I use, most of the time, is one called "piZap" and it is FREE !!! :)    Have gone into another one which gives a few bits and pieces at beginning for free and then leads you into other sections which you have to pay to download and I believe that is what Marie has on her system but sorry I am a "stingy" Scot and i won't pay for it  !!! LOL.

Here is a little photo that I don't believe has been shown on here before.



As you can see at bottom of picture it says  "US" and whether that stands for United States or there was a magazine called "US", don't know, but it is dated August 1991 and it was a picture Marwen put out on FB and i think it is gorgeous and hope you all agree !! :)


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Yes. it's from from US magazine.  I put it on this thread 10/26/12.  But you said you almost stopped breathing when you looked at it, I guess you also got amnesia!!!!! LOL!! No complaints here, I could look at that pix over and over and over..........
Hugs from NJ,

Sorry Joy !! :(     When I saw the picture on FB I thought it looked familiar but then thought I was getting mixed up with the one  from the video where he also has on the vest/t-shirt/simmet/tank top/small bit of clothing on and now I realize I wasn't but surely I get a wee bit of a "saving grace" when my picture is bigger....OMG, I'll try anyway I know to try and get away with something  !!  ROFL

Maybe too I can make up a little by posting these two pictures....know first on here somewhere but don't believe second is and it too is obviously taken from video when you see our MB really that bit  !!! :)





Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



Don't be silly!  No apology needed..........

More MB pix the better, repeats are fine!



Hi Sylvia

I send also one sweet kissable Michael, ....a little decorated

with love Marie

Díky Marie!! :)     Do not believe I would have missed his lips like that......he would have got a "smacker" from me !!! LOL.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.



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