Ok...understand, I don't have confirmation of this but since I've found it on a number of sites...we seem to have the title and release date of Michael's new book:


The Soul of it All: My Life, My Music - release date 11/13/12


Here it is on amazon.com and it is also on itunes for those with ibooks.



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I hear you girls. I'm greatful for the transportation here in SoCal as I don't have anyone taking me anywhere. it's me & me alone most of the time. :) Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

Pretty quiet on the SOUL OF IT ALL thread discussion,LOL. Anybody else out there reading a mighty fine book, Now? Who's finished yet and going back over it and taking special notes? Something just occured to me a few minutes ago, that I wanted to share with you. I really hated that I wasn't able to plan on any book signings near me and feeling pretty sorry for myself. Having tornado winds and heavy rains in my area not helping a bit either, so I was reading intensely thru the few chapters of the book, reading how Michael's career started out, the struggles thru each adventure to get to that first Big break and realized I needed to finish packing for my trip this weekend thru next week. Guess where I'm going? Wasn't sure I really wanted to get on a plane and fly to a winter wonderland this time of year. I'm visiting friends in Detroit Michigan, because no one goes to visit them in Michigan, this time of winter. You see, they live on a small lake called Lake Orchard. Their neighbor on the lake next to them is Bob Segar, and there will be Super Bowl parties in the works. Can't wait to see what Detroit is all about, MoTown and Hitsville and COLD, Ughhhh I'm grabbing for straws here. Just a sweet coincidence that Michael has shared his experience in what I've been reading so far and I may have a glimpse of this man and some of his footprints At the least I'll have a great book to read Wish me luck

Be safe in traveling Karen&be safe with thos storms. Love Bob Seger. Enjoy Detroit. Awesome everyone's reading the awesome book. Can't wait to get my audio edition. Enjoy everyone&have fun reading. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who Loves life & Michael Bolton :)

Hi Karen, have fun in Michigan sweetie, but no spoilers about the book please! Robin and I are still waiting for ours! :D Take care Karen. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Hi Karen

I am reading it at the moment and getting a laugh out of it, I must say BUT SYLVIE is right I won't say anything, and I haven't finished it yet a bit busy in my house.

We too have just gone though some bad weather over here as well

I poped in here just to say I want to have a friend who lives next to Bob Seger I think he is just FANTASIC!!!!!!

I love his music and have 40 cd's of his, true !!!!

Have fun, hope the weather gets better and good luck

Love Dianna xxx

Have a fun time Karen and don't lose that book !! lol    Funnily enough we are having exactly the same weather and yesterday up in Shetland gable ends of houses were blown down by winds of 180/190 mph;  we had 70 mph but today have to get up to 80/100 mph....batten down the hatches !!! LOL


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


Please girls, be safe in these weather conditions. Dianne LOVE BOB SEGER. Yes ma'm but wow! 40 albums? Cool. Boltonnut from L. A. CA who loves life & Michael Bolton :)

Hi Dianna, great to read you here sweetie! It's good to know you do have time for yourself to read. :D Thanks for no spoilers Dianna, much appreciated. Wow, weather is rough all over! We've had bitterly cold temps in the past couple of weeks, a rainy spring day yesterday and back down below with storm winds today, though I know the U.S. is getting the worst of the storm. At least, it's a good reason to stay inside and read and re-read Michael's book! Enjoy it Dianna and again, good to read you here, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Hi Dianna and Sylvie,

weather is rough here too, but I still have to wait for my audio book to come in ... :-(((. Can't wait to discuss it when everybody has had the chance to read/hear it with open heart and mind. All the best, Astrid

Hey Astrid, so nice to read your posts more often! I'll let you know when I get my audio version. Take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada

Good Luck, Karen, and hope you enjoy your trip to Detroit and reading your book again, and again, and again. My audio book is in I just learned and I will let that compensate for not being able to go to St. Louis tonight for the book signing. Not my decision not to go, all work related. I listened to MB singing "Can't Stand The Rain" all morning and I have to admit I too felt like you for awhile. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all go to every event and have it turn out exactly as we dream it would. Soooo, I sucked it up and came to work, WITH MY MB BOOK, LOL.......


Kathy T. :-)

Hey Kathy, are you saying you got your audio book in the mail? I was told it won't be released before next week... I think it's time to double-check my order status... Take care girl. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada


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