Hi all.  I'm sure there is a thread like this somwhere, but since I'm newish to the group I thought we should have another round. :)

I was currious what song got you all hooked on Michael.  Was it one inparticular song, a series of hits or just his voice in general?


For me, it was hearing the song "How Can We Be Lovers."  on the radio in 1990.  I was 10 and a half years old.  The song was awesome, but that voice hooked me right off the bat.  Most of the songs my parents played around the house were classical music or ultra easy listening Barry Mannilo stuff so this voice was such a departure to anything I've heard before.....or since, really :).


I would listen to the radio station for hours waiting to hear that song....then my parents bought be my first tape player/recorder and I recorded that song and his future singles from that same local radio station.  I was hooked.  I would stay awake late at night and listen to Cacey Kasum top 40 and then Rick Dees weekly top 40 and get so excited when I saw how much his song had climbed and wait for interviews with him and record them on my tape player :)


I saved up my lunch money from school to buy "Soul Provider," because his music fed my soul more then lunch.  My soul food so to speak. :). Soon enough "Time Love and Tenderness" came out and my parents bought me this one so I wouldn't skip lunch :).  My best friend, who conviently lived next door to me, would come over and listen to the album over and over.  So much infact, that our mutual neighbor offered to pay us to stop playing it :).  No deal made. 


We were now both hooked and wanted to join the fanclub listed on the album so we BOTH saved our lunch money up and signed up :) I still have the giant button that came in the mail somplace....maybe she took posession,  I don't remember.  :)  Those were the days :). Those days turned into years.....20 and still counting. 


His voice today still has that "it" factor about it and he still writes those songs that move me.....His latest album is getting just as much play time as "Time Love and Tenderness" did, and the new neighors arn't knocking my door down, so maybe I've converted a new fan. 





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I hope I'm not repeating as I'm new with this. Songs all have memories--good&bad. We can associate songs with our lives. I love it. I forgot what exactly what I wrote but it's all said&done.

Dianna, I was saying too that since I've gotten out here on the forum, I've met many people like you, Eileen, Oz, janniche&others. It's awesome.goo
I agree Robin there are alot of nice people on the forum just like you and it's lovely we can share our thoughts with others.
I have always tried not to put a song to a memory but of cause we do, don't we.
So many beautiful lyrics out there and we relate to them in our own way.
there will always be songs that will bring back a memory I find the funerals songs people play at their beloved ones funeral I can remember almost all of them that I have been too and it usually makes me think of that person so that's nice and sad all at once whenever I hear the song played.
Isn't it nice that Michael can bring us all together here and we meet such lovely people from all over the world
Love Dianna Australia xxxx
Dianna&everyone, songs have memories--especially those we love. Sometimes memories can make one love certain songs. It's just awesome. Dianna, I've never met you until I came on the forum&the same with Janniche, OZ, Eileen&many others. I'm loving this. I know I have a weird way of writing but I'm just totally stoked. I'm new with all this.

Robin the boltonnut from L. A. CA

I should always write that as my signature as I do on the yahoo group.
Robin, You are so sweet! And your right we may never have met the people on the forums but you feel a close friendly connection to them!I've only been on here a short time but Dianna, Robin, Janniche, Silvy, Juliet,OZ,Gail Sharon, Jude, Jennifer you and so so many more have made me feel at home and feel like a good friend! We can talk about anything and Michael without people saying your crazy or making fun of you. They listen they get back to you if you have a question they are a wealth of information! These are very caring people here. But of course look who we all have in common Michael a wonderful man an an amazing singer.I went to a concert this past March my friend I work with at school had bought the tickets cause she knew I hadn't seen him in a few years and I was dying to see him! It ws a small venue and really intimate! I had 3 row seats and when everyone started going up to the stage I got up (felt funny cause my friend stayed behind) I stood there in awe like it really surreal like it wasn't happening . He started singing How Can We Be Lovers.... and tears started coming down I my friend came up from behind and touched me to see if I was ok. It was just the song really hit me I guess! I had so much going on in my life at the time! I wish I had got closer to the stage so I could have touched his hand but maybe next time! But Robin I think everyone here can relate to this. Now I scared I'm going to the November 3 concert and I have 2 tickets but I don't know if anyone will be with me. Its so much more fun when you can be up there with someone else who feel the same as you! I know a few friend here will be at the concert and I'm hoping they will be near by! I'm looking forward and excited to see him two times in one year!
But I am very thankful for all these wonderful people here!
Love Eileenxoxo
Hey Janniche, We all started somewhere when we discovered Michael and his music.. You just started more recently. Thanks for sharing your story with us.. Awwww you will get to a concert one day, I know you will.

Robin :)
What a great story Janniche.

Thank you for sharing it with us.

It doesnt matter how you got here, just that you did!

Love Jennifer XX
Oh yes, Snow dogs.

That part of the film was re-wound so many times just to watch and re-watch Michaels part!!

My lads kept saying 'Mum can we just watch the end of the film ..please!!'

Must get the film out and have another watch.

Love Jennifer XX
What Michael was in the movie Snow Dogs!? I think my grandson has it!
Love Eileen xoxo
Hi Eileen,
It a cameo part but it's a good movie actually.
I got some laughs out of it.
Love Dianna xxx

Here you are that "funny part" of the movie...

Hi girls, about "Snow Dogs", you hear "Dance with me" near the beginning, "When a man loves a woman" when Michael actually appears in the movie, "Time love and tenderness" towards the end and "As" during the end credits. It's a cute movie Eileen, you should see it! Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
I will ! I can't wait going to go through my grandsons movies today! Thanks!
Love Eileen xoxo


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