Hi all.  I'm sure there is a thread like this somwhere, but since I'm newish to the group I thought we should have another round. :)

I was currious what song got you all hooked on Michael.  Was it one inparticular song, a series of hits or just his voice in general?


For me, it was hearing the song "How Can We Be Lovers."  on the radio in 1990.  I was 10 and a half years old.  The song was awesome, but that voice hooked me right off the bat.  Most of the songs my parents played around the house were classical music or ultra easy listening Barry Mannilo stuff so this voice was such a departure to anything I've heard before.....or since, really :).


I would listen to the radio station for hours waiting to hear that song....then my parents bought be my first tape player/recorder and I recorded that song and his future singles from that same local radio station.  I was hooked.  I would stay awake late at night and listen to Cacey Kasum top 40 and then Rick Dees weekly top 40 and get so excited when I saw how much his song had climbed and wait for interviews with him and record them on my tape player :)


I saved up my lunch money from school to buy "Soul Provider," because his music fed my soul more then lunch.  My soul food so to speak. :). Soon enough "Time Love and Tenderness" came out and my parents bought me this one so I wouldn't skip lunch :).  My best friend, who conviently lived next door to me, would come over and listen to the album over and over.  So much infact, that our mutual neighbor offered to pay us to stop playing it :).  No deal made. 


We were now both hooked and wanted to join the fanclub listed on the album so we BOTH saved our lunch money up and signed up :) I still have the giant button that came in the mail somplace....maybe she took posession,  I don't remember.  :)  Those were the days :). Those days turned into years.....20 and still counting. 


His voice today still has that "it" factor about it and he still writes those songs that move me.....His latest album is getting just as much play time as "Time Love and Tenderness" did, and the new neighors arn't knocking my door down, so maybe I've converted a new fan. 





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Honestly Eileen it is a good movie.
You will enjoy it.
I should find my copy it's here somewhere and watch it again as well, Caitlyn liked it too (That's my grand-daughter)
Love Dianna xxx

The movie was great! Dominick and I watched it together yesterday! Your granddaughter is so cute! Aren't grandchildren wonderful!!! the 2 in my picture is Dominick and Emily!

Thanks again everyone!
Love Eileen xoxo
Eileen they trully are a treasure.
I only have one for now.
Your 2 look cute too such a treasure.
The movie is good isn't it I have Caitlyn today I might (if I find time ) have a look for that and watch it tonight.
Love Dianna xxx

"The song" which made

me become crazy for Michael and follow him for 20 years was "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You"...
I agree ! " How Am I Supposed To Live Without You" Was one of the first songs that mad me fall in love with him!!!!! Crazy for him for more then 21 years!

Love Eileen xoxo
Ah Come on Rocio, we want to hear the story! Did you hear it on the radio, did you see him on TV, did you hear it in the record store? It's fun to hear the stories, the actual moment when people fell in love with his voice... Take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Ok, Sylvie...
I have been following Michael Bolton's career since 1990, when he became famous all around the world with "How Am I Supposed To Live Without You". (His music arrived to Europe a bit later than to the US). After that, I began to collect all his cassettes (I had no Internet and I used to buy his music via catalogs which sent you the orders by postal order).
When we began to be able to choose between long plays and cds, I used to buy long plays just to see Michael's photo in a bigger size :). I had discovered a guy with a great voice and a fantastic look!!!.
In 1999 I learned to make a website and I designed the first one, of course, to my idol, in 2000, and it has been active since then. In Spanish and English, so that Spanish speakers can get closer to Michael Bolton and find all the information about him in their own language.
I had the chance to meet Michael personally for the very first time on March, 10th 2005. Since then I have been immensely lucky to greet him backstage several times.
My dream of a teenager came true, and I thank God for that!.
I thank Michael for just existing and for showing me so many fantastic songs, which maybe I would have never listened to if it wasn't for his versions, and I adore him for every single moment of my life he has lit with his presence and talent.
I listened to haistlwy in my kitchen, using my old stereo cassette player. I listened to the 3 previous songs in "Soul Provider", but when "How Am I Supposed..." sounded -the only song I have heard before- I was in Heaven. It was "my moment". I found out that the perfect voice really existed!.
great stories, keep them coming!
Your story is cute Payten. I understand. I was an adult when he was well known.
Hey Eileen, I completely agree about feeling at home here, among people who understand how we feel about Michael! Yes, I’m sure each one of us has experienced what you’ve described, whether at a concert or even in our own living-room: emotions overtaking,whether it’s the right song at the right time or just hearing his voice when needed… Wow, too bad I don’t live closer to you Eileen, I’d love to go! Lol I know exactly what you mean about going to a concert with another fan, I miss it… Good luck getting together with someone from here on November 3! Take care sweetie, that was very nicely put… :D Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada
Hey Sylvie Thanks! And its to bad you don't live closer!! That would be great fun!!

Love Eileen xoxo
Way back in 1987, David and I had been married for 2 years, I gave birth to a little boy who was Anencephalic (please feel free to privately look this condition up as the details are upsetting and distressing) and he died. He was the fifth baby we had lost and we didnt yet have any living children. We named him Ben David.

David and I went through a rough patch because we were both grieving and we didnt know how to talk to eachother. However, somehow we managed to stay together and work our way through the pain we were both feeling. Ofcourse we went on to have 3 lovely young lads.

I heard a song on the radio called 'Thats what love is all about' and I fell in love with the song and with David all over again because the lyrics just seemed to sum up everything we were going through.

'Riding the good times is easy.
the hard times will tear you apart.
There'll be times in your heart
when the feelin' is gone
But ya keep on believing
and ya keep on holding on.

Baby thats what love is all about.
Two hearts that find away, somehow..
To keep the dream from dying.'

I had no idea who this singer was or where he came from and no internet then and so a walk into a local music store and singing the lyrics to a guy behind the counter and doing my best Michael Bolton impression, who, miraculously thought he might know who I meant!! God only knows how, what I was singing and I was introduced to Michael Bolton for the first time in that store. So 'Thank you to 'Star Sounds' of Harlow Essex UK. God Love you!!

My love of Michael Bolton had begun and the rest as 'they' say is history!! Goodness, that 23 years!! Not as many as some fans I know, but, still almost half of my life and a long long time!!

Love Jennifer XXX


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