Hi everyone,
I’ve been meaning to start this thread for a while now. I’ve been reading since the beginning of this forum, many discussions started by fans who simply wanted to share their joy of being a Michael Bolton fan. We have threads to share concert reviews, some to share news, videos etc, but not exactly what I have in mind. I would like for this thread not to be about meeting Michael, but about MB related moments in our daily lives, that anyone can take part in. I’m sure we all have tons of fun stories about how the existence of our Michael made us smile today.
For example: I remember once working on the computer and being stressed out to finish a job, then I took a break and turned on the radio, SILYBIL was on and I felt like I’d been given a big hug! Also, I remember once reading on one of the old message boards, someone had gone to a thrift shop and found an MB T-shirt and it made her day! Another story of mine has to do with my husband driving with “The one thing” on, stopping at a light and the guy in the next car asked him who that was and said this was great music! Your anecdotes can also be about how you've converted a "non believer" or your child’s discovery of Michael and sometimes we have as many stories as we have kids! Anyway, I guess I’d like this thread to be kind of a Michael Bolton “Vegetable soup for the soul”. :D I have a few stories in my own life like these and even started my own personal document a while back and I thought: why not share our stories together? So there you go MB fans: share away! Take care and hugs to all, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada :D
I thought I was right that Debbie's daughter's Danielle. Aw! I remember debgie being @ the galas. :))
Awesome Sally about Doug. Small world, huh? I've been to Rehobeth once.
Ok now that you all have told some great stories..I will share this one with you All! It was along time ago, back when Michael was playing baseball "The Bolton Bombers"....He had been here in Lou. Ky. and he & his team played against our radio stations team! I wasn't able to go, but really would have loved to & so would Meghan:)!
So, ok what did I do next, well I signed my girl up for a Softball team! Oh boy...it was like watching "The Bad News Bear"..LOL:)!
Her coach only did it for a Hobby she later told me..I was sooo mad, of course I called on her! She went through it all for me, and to make friends her own age! We had Fun don't get me wrong, but if Meg. could tell this story, I guarantee you would LYBO! I have been laughing just thinking it over:)! She was a Trooper, but when it was all over with, she looked at me and said Mom please don't make me do that again:)! OMG! What we do for Michael, he really doesn't know does he?
On this last note, I would like to add that she got introduced to "Pickles on a Stick" and when it came to the last game...well she got a belly ache and we had to go home! Poor girl! She did get a little trophy! I'll see if I can get more out of her to tell you, this should be enough to let you all know how crazy I am...and sorry Sylvia if you spit out your coffee for laughing so hard:)! She played out-field, most of the time she would just be out there looking all around like ok now what...LOL..I'm out:)! Hope you had a good Laugh ladies! I couldn't help it:)!
Mary (meg's mom)!
Mary, I loved your softball story with Meggie. It brings me back to when I was in school&even when I worked there as well, we have softball. Imagine a bunch of us blind folks playing softball? Well, it worked. I know this is off topic. There is this game called Beep Ball&it's a form of softball. There's a beep in the ball&it's rolled to the batter&you hit the ball&run to 1st base. Well, in later years, when I played it, we had guides run us ut back in school, you ran to 1st&you were @ your own risk but it was fun but in going to several Bolton Bommer games, brought back the memories. I would have loved to have shared that with Michael about our unprofessional but fun softball games. Seriously, there are international beep ball tournaments but enough about that, girls. :)were @
Loved your story Mary and could well understand "pickles on a stick" not going down very well with a softball game and yes it brought a smile over breakfast and as you say things you do for Michael......like "torturing" your children, oh you naughty mums/moms !!! lol Thanks Mary !! :) BTW it is never coffee always that little WEE CUP of TEA which is a gigantic mug !!! LOL
Lovely story Robin CA and it is great that there are so many sports that the blind do take part in and one I watched last year in the disabled Olympics was indoor football/soccer and there they had a ball that beeped so know exactly what you are talking about and quite honestly with some of the teams and some of the players it was pretty easy to forget that they were blind for they ran about after that ball and kicked it and scored just the same as a sighted person.....it was terrific to see. This is completely off topic for with the disabled Olympics last year in London, Seb Coe (organizer of the games) and his team ensured that they got the same amount of tv coverage as did the Olympics and when it came to parades in the towns, as here in Glasgow for Scotland, the medal winners from both Olympics were together and rightly so and the parade of the Scottish Olympians is something I won't forget !! :) Just hope from now on the countries that hold the Olympics take a leaf out of London's book !!
Thanks for sharing your story Robin !! :)
Sylvia. Your wee Scottish friend.
Glad you liked our story ladies:)! We certainly will never forget it:)! Memories!!!
I liked that story Robin, and I'll bet you liked playing it:)! Never know Michael may take a "Peek" here:)! And hear about your story as well!
Hmmm..."Pickle on a Stick" is what it is...it is a Big Pickle that is put on a Stick..so that you won't drop it on the ground! As for me I don't eat pickles like that! Have any of you ever tried Fried Pickles? They are a hit here in Kentucky:)! That's all for now!
Have a Great Day!
Mary (Meg's mom)!
As the expression goes, fried pickels are the bomb. Love those things. I just love life; enjoy life. I wish I could have spoken or had the chance to speak to Michael abut beep ball or softball. It was fun. As I was (off topic here) I was explaining to this lady @ Curves that I was on a bolwing league for the blind for 13 years. Sure, we had blind, visually impaired&, of course, fully sighted folks on the league. They would bowl, keep score&&pin spot. Loved it. We'd have a guide rail to keep us in line with the foul line. It was fun. We had local, regional, Statewide, international tournaments&it was fun&there's the same with beep ball. Enough of me, right. :))))))
Hey Robin R., You are never "Off Topic"...say what's on your mind! As Sylvie said this is to be like "Chicken Soup for The Soul"...and Michael is into All sorts of sports, so why not tell your stories here! I love the fact that you liked them, enough to play them! That is Awesome:)! Michael would be proud I'm sure:)!
Mary (meg's mom)!
Awesome Sylvia sharing about the special olympics there in London &we have them here too. Yeah, u do forget you can't seeuntil you crash nto someone or something ;) but seriously, I just loved participating in bowling&softball; beep ball. :)
Hey Robin, the beep-ball games sound like they were a lot of fun! I didn't go to the school for the blind, but my first computer teacher was coach for the Canadian goal-ball team, imagine that? Thanks for sharing sweetie, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie Qc Canada