Miscellany but exceptionally relevant information about, or from Michael on, MB.

Thought I would start this thread for there does appear, at times, to be different relevant articles, tweets, retweets, pictures etc relating to Michael but not really fitting into an already recognized thread nor, each of them individually, being able to be grouped together where a relevant thread could be started and so decided on this "Miscellany" thread.   

I hope you agree with its relevance and that you enjoy everything that is put in as well as hoping that many will find interesting tidbits about Michael that can be included and help to make this, whilst a serious sharing of information, a FUN page to be able to visit too and, as is my intention, somewhere that everything which does not have a particular "home" can be placed, so that is all grouped together and can be easily found and located if someone wants to look at.

Here now, so that we can all focus on the main reason for this thread, is a beautiful picture of the "Theme" of the thread.......wonder if MB has ever been called that before ???? LOL. 



Believe this one definitely belongs in here for I would say sharing with us that coconut sorbet is his favourite dessert is both miscellaneous and more than extremely relevant to the "THEME" of this website and in particular, to this thread  !! LOL.

Hope everyone enjoys content and feels free to add their very own miscellany !!! :)



A separate thread has been created for the Q&A Session and it can be found at  http://www.michaelbolton.com/forum/topics/michael-s-question-and-an...


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend.


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Thanks for that picture Petra and that is some statue and hope it is well embedded in the ground !!!!!


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Please forgive me if this is in the wrong place but just got the Grammy nominations and Michael's reading of his book didn't make it...here are the nominees in that category:


Best Spoken Word Album
"America Again: Re-becoming The Greatness We Never Weren't" -- Stephen Colbert
"Carrie And Me" -- Carol Burnett
"Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls" -- David Sedaris
"Still Foolin' 'Em" -- Billy Crystal
"The Storm King" -- Pete Seeger

Hey Gail, I was about to check the list and you saved me the trouble, thanks. Michael certainly deserved to be on that list, but I suppose he was number 6 and they could only pick 5 nominees... :D He's certainly a winner in our hearts and has none the less made and inspired new fans with his book, which certainly puts him in that category in my opinion. Again, thanks Gail, take care sweetie. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC Canada :D

Thanks for information Gail and is a pity he wasn't nominated.....can't win them all !!! :)


Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend7

Thanks Gail and MB is the winner in my heart for certain. Hugs,

Kathy T. :)

Well, MB'S book may not have been nominated by the grammie awards or whatever but we all nominate him, right?

Bolton Making Detroit Documentary

Michael Bolton signs copies of his new book "The Soul of It All" at Barnes & Noble in New York, Jan. 29, 2013. (Dennis Van Tine/Abaca Press/MCT)

Michael Bolton signs copies of his new book "The Soul of It All" at Barnes & Noble in New York, Jan. 29, 2013. (Dennis Van Tine/Abaca Press/MCT)

The Grammy-winning singer has been spreading an excess of good cheer in his hip new holiday commercials for Honda. But that’s nothing compared to his feelings for the Motor City.

“We are in love with the people we have met in Detroit,” he says. “It’s literally turned into a lovefest.”

Over the past four decades, Bolton has sold more than 50 million albums and singles worldwide. His lengthy career as a singer has spanned the sincerity of his chart-topping ballads like Love Is a Wonderful Thing and the self-parody of his guest role as Captain Jack Sparrow in a well-known Saturday Night Live digital short by Andy Samberg’s the Lonely Planet group.

But during a recent phone interview, the 60-year-old crooner doesn’t want to talk about his hits. He’d rather focus on the documentary that he hopes will spread the message that Detroit is poised for a comeback.

Where others see a bankrupt city on its knees, he sees a city where the entrepreneurial spirit is thriving, particularly real estate mogul Dan Gilbert’s revitalization plans.

Bolton’s project arose from his 2013 album, Ain’t No Mountain High Enough: A Tribute To Hitsville, U.S.A., which came out in February. A love letter to the Motown music he’s loved since he was a kid of 9 or 10 growing up in Connecticut, it contains classics from the Detroit-grown empire like Tracks of My Tears and Nowhere to Run.

“All the feel-good the country needed was coming out of Detroit,” he says of the Motown era.

Bolton and his production company team had planned to make a video about Hitsville USA as a companion to the album. But after getting permission to shoot at the Motown Museum on West Grand Boulevard, they started getting phone calls “about this building that’s going on in the center of Detroit and a guy named Dan Gilbert and Quicken Loans.”

As Bolton explains, the focus of the project shifted to the entire city as he and his manager and executive producer of the film, Christina Kline, became captivated with Gilbert’s plans to revive the downtown area and spread the progress outward.

He was given access to film behind the scenes with Gilbert. “We went up to the planning rooms. We saw the walls full of stores they’re planning, the restaurants they’re planning, how many square feet. Everything had been taken into consideration, the demographic, the appeal of downtown.”

On the day of his phone interview, Bolton was preparing to see a 90-minute version of hundreds of hours of footage shot during several trips to Detroit. In addition to the time spent with Gilbert and his brain trust, that footage includes “a fascinating interview” with Aretha Franklin as well as moments such as Bolton performing live with Smokey Robinson and talking to other music luminaries.

Bolton hopes to add other stars to that list, such as Bob Seger, whom he opened for in 1983. He also wants to visit Michigan Motion Picture Studios in Pontiac to talk about the upcoming Batman-Superman movie that will film in metro Detroit, an opportunity he says is tremendous.

As a producer and executive producer of the project. Bolton says he’s had a hands-on role, making at least four trips to Detroit for filming. “It’s been much more in-depth than I originally intended, but I’m grateful for that.”

The film will speak to what he describes as his roots as a kid from a middle class family where the American dream was at the core of their belief system.

It also taps into broader concerns he’s had about the fate of the cities he saw while crisscrossing the heartland on his tours. “I’m seeing things in Iowa that I’ve just seen in Nebraska or in Southern states, where windows are boarded up, and there’s three generations of successful family business people and now they can’t afford to keep their doors open. It’s painful to see.”

Bolton says the 2008 recession hit urban centers like an economic tsunami. “Believe me, Detroit is not alone,” he says.

He’s eying September 2014 as a possible premiere date, either on television or possibly in a theatrical release. Although he didn’t set out to bring the movie to theaters, he’s had three or four companies express interest in buying the film for global distribution.

“If it goes theatrical and winds ups being able to raise money, we’re going to wind up coming back to Detroit to do some events for whatever the heart of Detroit is at that time, which probably from what I can see is going to be at-risk youth and music programs for young people.”

Bolton makes it clear that he’s in this for the long-term. “Not only are we not going to be finished once the movie comes out, but we’re going to be looking at trying to help the process of growth.”

Detroit has plenty of local cheerleaders. Now it has a new adopted son ready to show the city some love and tenderness.

Says Bolton: “I got quite a lesson being there. When I left there, I became like, I’m waving the Detroit banner. I want it to come back. I want it to succeed. I want it to be the pinnacle. I want it to be the poster child of what the American dream has always been meant to be.”

Thank you Gail, I wish MB and others involved great success and look forward to watching this documentary, what a very exciting and worthy venture for him. Hugs,

Kathty T. :)

Hi Gail, I have a question about something mentionned in this article. This article says "his production company", when the original trailer for the documentary that was pulled, back in January, was from Vision Music and the last time I checked the site, it still said it was in production. So I guess my question is: is Michael still working with Vision Music in partnership with his own company? The reason I'm asking is that the most info we'd had about it was through the VMI web site, which technically wasn't much. You may not know, but thought I'd ask. Thanks Gail, take care. Hugs, sincerely, Sylvie QC canada :D

Oh! I love the article. I have a dear friend who lived in Pontiac. Yeah, Michigan's next to me too. Love the Motown era myself. Can't wait to see this documentary. Go Michael. Woo-hoo for Michigan. I had a dear friend who lived in Taylor & Jackson. We started writing back in 1964, started taping in 1969&finally met in 1984 but she has since passed in 2004 so, yeah, I'm glad I had the chance to nmett her&her twin. I know I'm sort of off topic but yeah.

We had fun traveling to see MB in MI about 11 -12 or so years ago. Time flies..LOL  Some of the areas we went thru near Detroit I remember were so depressed. It's good to hear they are working to rebuild the area.  I too am looking forward to seeing MB's documentary.  He's very excited about it.  Robin I love Motown music too, grew up on some of it myself!!


Robin in MD :)

Wow, another Great article....after a hard days work....always appreciated here in our Hearts:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!


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