Welcome everyone to the 2014 Tour Review Thread.  The upcoming year is going to be exciting with so many concerts scheduled already around the globe!!! Feel free to share the details of your concert adventures, photos, videos etc.  This is the best time to be a Bolton fan with so many concerts and the MBC Charity Event which will most likely be held later in the year too. Michael has multiple projects in the works so we never know what will happen next!!!! I appreciate the opportunity to start a new thread once again for 2014 to give us all a place to share the best part of being a fan--- experiencing Michael in person doing what he does best-SING!!!!!! 

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing great times by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as I have in the past. 

Happy Concert Time in 2014 to all of you!!!

Robin in MD USA :)

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Michael did not sing Steel Bars Thursday Night at my show, His voice does sound stronger in these videos. I'm so happy this Florida sun and air is working for him, YaY!!!!

Thanks a million Petra for finding all of those....terrific and just loved the feeling you got from them all as though you were there in being able to see the whole stage and all of the band;  thoroughly enjoyed those !!! :)   Danke Petra !!! :)

Sylvia.  Your wee Scottish friend.


Grazie per questi video così possiamo vedere MB che sta meglio e sentire la sua meravigliosa voce

ciao claudia - italia

Translation of Claudia's post.....

"Thanks for these videos so we can see who is better and MB hear his wonderful voice

Hi claudia-Italy"

Thanks Petra. MB sounds great!! Takes me right back to my shows...LOL

Robin in MD :)

Love it petra & everyone. Will check them out later. :)

H everyone sorry so late for posting review.I was at the Newberry Opera House on Thursday night,2nd row right in the center.What a great view!!!!!I also got to visit with Karen and Lynn.Michael was great as usual,and I had a sign to hold up like I always do,it said"I HOPE YOU ARE FEELING BETTER(SEXY)!he laughed and said thank you.You could tell he was still not 100%,but still he is AWESOME.At one point he took of his jacket and I said take it all off,he said its not that kind of show,haha.The many concerts I have attended,he comes out with burst of energy,this time he came out and sat right down to sing a few slow songs,still he is great.My friend and I had meet and greet passes,that she had got from a contribution from a charity.We was told to wait at the stage after the show was over and they would come get us.There were 4 hwy patrol guys with meet and greet passes also,and during the concert Michael gave a shout out to the hwy patrol.So after going back stage,while we were waiting for Michael,I asked one of the hwy patrol guys,I think his name was Bob,Im not sure,anyway I ask him if this was his first MB concert,You will never guess his reply,he said he growed up with Michael in Conn.he said he new him before he was famous,they lived 15 mins from each other growing up,he said he gave Michael a call,and told him he would be in the area,so he stopped by for the concert and to catch up with Michael,he said he lives in Summerville,and knows Michaels whole family,a very nice gentleman.After waiting about 20 minutes Micahel comes out,you could tell he wasn't himself,little weak little pale,but he did say he felt 100% better than he did.He thanked us for coming,asked if we enjoyed the show,we told him he never disappoints.He also asked about the charity that my friend got the tickets from and thanked us for that.I had no ncamera with me,because in the past when I have been back stage no camera allowed,the guy overseeing us meet Michael,said ther is usually a photographer around but not that night,so we use the trusted cell phone,so pics  are not as good as I would have wanted.Untill next time,I hope you all enjoy.

Awesome review Tracey. Neat going backstage speaking with Michael & running into the gentleman who knows Michael. I had to smile when you said growed up with him. :))))) Not making fun. Truthfully loved it. I'm glad for you.

Thank you for your great review Tracy.  So neat you met a friend of Michael's.  Nice you got to see him after the show.  I always have my own camera and no one ever minded.  So nice of him to do it when he was not quite 100 percent.  Hopefully he is now feeling better every day.  I hope your cell pics came out well.

Robin in MD :)

Thanks Tracy for a great review!! How sweet that MB wanted to "catch up" with an old neighborhood friend!! That is very sweet!! How fun for you to get the story first hand also!! Special memories for you :))) An original story!! Glad you had a super time and of course an M&G :))  Sounds like a PERFECT night :))

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thank you for your review, Tracy, and so glad you enjoyed the concert and got to meet MB. Thanks for sharing :)).

Kathy T. :)

Well now Tracey, you got your cake & got to eat it, too:)! That was a nice way to end the night out w/Michael!!! Thanks for sharing your review!!! That was a doozey:)! Chillin' w/Michael's old buddy:)!

Mary (meg's mom)!


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