Sorry it has taken me a while to do a sticky of this link to the birthday calendar.  Thanks, Dianna, for the great job you did putting this together!

*****UPDATE -10/15/2015

I've added an updated calendar below for those who are asking. Thanks, Sylvie for updating it.  I have posted it in two formats so all should be able to get it.


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Happy Birthday Jaqueline!!!!! No ice buckets at this moment!!! lol

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Happy birthday Jacqueline! May you have health, health and more health, a special MB concert and nothing but happy times in the future! Happy birthday sweetie, take care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Hallo Jacqueline,

Heel Hartelijk Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag! Veel geluk en natuurlijk gezondheid!

Ik hoop dat je een gezellige dag hebt met iedereen die je lief is!

Groeten en liefs,



Dank je wel Nicolette...

Thanks I was in Turkie in the sun not that bad lol....Had a great birthday aldo without my family but I became a puppy chihuahua for my birthday..So great pressent lol.

lots of love Jacqueline xxx

Oh Jacqueline...what is lost in translation!!!! You have written that you "became" a chihuahua for your birthday!!! Now that is quite a transformation!!! LOL Of course I know what you meant but it sounded sooooo funny. Must have been one heck of a vacation!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Thanks to you all my very dear friends..I had a great time ...I was on vacation lol in the sun doing nothing lol..but had my cake and nice friends.


lots of love Jacqueline xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Happy Birthday to All of the people who have there Birthday's this month!  May you All get your "Gems"

CD for your Birthdays:)!


Mary (Meg's mom)!

Happy Birthday to all the June Babies!!!!!




Robin from MD here's wishing you nothing but the best for you on this your Birthday

Hope Jeff had a grest one too

Robin's birthday is the 8th June 

Hugs and kisses

Dianna xxx

AWWW Dianna thank you, this is lovely.  Tomorrow I did take the day off so I don't have work hassles to deal with on my birthday.

I appreciate all this wishes posted here already ladies. I'm behind on this thread myself so if I've missed anyone's birthday, I hope you all had a great birthday as well!  To all the other gal's that are June Birthday's along with me, have a great birthday!!!


Robin in Maryland excited to see MB in 2 weeks in CT!!! :)

Dear Robin, (in Maryland)

Wishing you a Happy Happy Birthday!!!

Warm greetings from Holland!

Nicolette xx

Hey Robin from MD, enjoy your relaxing birthday sweetie! I hope you can spend it the second best way possible: listening to Michael! At least, the lucky thing is that you’ll be able to stretch your birthday for a couple of hours doing that and get your present on “Bolton standard time”! :D Have a wonderful birthday Robin, take care. Big hugs, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada


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