We may start getting a few promotional appearances for GEMS now.  The first will be June 8th on the Loveline with Dr. Drew from 10 p.m. to midnight.  You can find a station here:




Also it looks like you can listen live or on the website either after but you have to be a loveline member. 








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Absolutely NOT Dianna......I was laughing because between your excitement and accent and being on hold...it was very difficult to hear you!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL Loved it that you got through!! As soon as I heard Australia I knew it was you!!!! Great times girl....loads of fun :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey Thumper,

It's Ok to be Shy, so what as long as you had a good time....I know you did:)!

Now that's Awesome! I missed it! I waited & waited but I had to go to bed! Darn IT!

Mary (M&M's)!

Hi Dianna,

I missed the beginning too, since I had a different link and was very confused about the time. Local time in Chicago should be 02.25 am already now, but who cares...

When Michael immediately recognized that someone from "Down Under" was calling, I hoped it would have been you - so great to hear your voice!! And talking about the forum LOL! So great and he will be back to Australia soon. Fantastic news for you - but we will have him first - ha - LOL.


And so great to hear Robin R's voice too. My goodness, so soft and tender. No wonder that the two of you have been asked for your age - LOL.

Enjoy your cloud 9 - I hope Robin joins you after being back from heaven to hell to heaven to ... LOL

So exciting times for all of us

Big hugs



Thanks Astrid

I just looked at my phone and I redialed 57 times before I got though LOL!!!!!

The things we do and it's strange I met Michael when he was over here and I wasn't nervous at all and on the phone I was shaking with Nerves weird I know

I will be on cloud 9 for a little while yet LOL!

Love Dianna xxx

Dianna, I need to here what all he talked about, I waited & waited, but I had to go to bed!

Tell me more!

Mary (M&M's)!

You snooze you lose...LOL Not really Mary....lol  Actually Michael had very little time considering the show is 2 hours. Two hours of garbage at that!!!!! Michael clearly stood out...can't believe he had to listen to those gross sex stories!!! I will be back mary with some highlights...........

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hi Dianna and Robin R,

I was at work so missed it!! :-(

I would have loved to hear your voice Dianna and Robin!!  How great you were able to talk to him!!

Enjoy cloud 9!!!

Warm greetings,

Nicolette from Holland xx


Hi Nicolette,

Thank you :)

Love Dianna xxx

Thanks Astrid :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob

It is awesome everyone from all over the world could hear it. I know I said good night&all. I'm just totally hyped up.

It is awesome Robin :)

Goodnight to you it's only 5:45pm over here and I am still a little hyped myself LOL!!!

Love Dianna xxx

Oh my ...it is 12:50 am here near L.A. :)  You will have a GREAT day today down under girl!!!!!!!!!

Kathy and LAFD Bob