We may start getting a few promotional appearances for GEMS now.  The first will be June 8th on the Loveline with Dr. Drew from 10 p.m. to midnight.  You can find a station here:




Also it looks like you can listen live or on the website either after but you have to be a loveline member. 








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Shame Kathy you missed out I loved hearing Robin R voice

I always hear that us Aussie's talk to fast sorry about that :)

But I remember saying I was excited about the new CD, I asked him when he was coming back to Australia he said soon, I said Shannon ,Robin,Jennifer and everybody says Hi from the forum and I asked him if he ever read any of the forum and he said he has a look sometimes but he doesn't read it all :)

I don't know what else I said I was a little excited LOL!

Love Dianna xxx

Thanks for the translation Dianna!!!! LOL  I did make out Jennifer, and forum!!!!! LOL  Robin R does have a lovely voice. Mine is much deeper!!! lol  Going to bed after all that excitement!!!!  I know you will have a great day!!! 

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Good Morning, I crashed after the show ended, Was a blast hearing all of you last night!!! I know Robin R. and recognized her right away as I was NOT calling!!LOL And then Dianna getting to hear you too...Great news about him coming!!!

Fun stuff!

Robin in Maryland :)

It sure was fun Robin Md!!!!! And you know I can't type fast at all...and read....and listen to the show!!!! Then add trying to check on FB and the forum!! So when I got on the phone...I couldn't do anything!!!! LOL  It was a blast and I am still tired today!!!! lol

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Hey to all:

I told you All that Michael checks in on Us sometimes! Now do you believe me? Why wouldn't he, it's all about him, here & his true Fans!

Plus, we've All been telling him about how much we enjoy his fan club, Right!  This is his Soap Opera:)!  And the Saga Continues......:)!

Have a Great Day!

Mary (M&M's)!

And what a saga it is Mary!!! Last night was too much!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob 

You can all say it again. It sure was awesome. My heart was pounding. I was going through all emotions. Sorry I haven't been up here much. Insomnia was rampant for me last night. I so called slept. I hear the it could be archived tomorrow around 1 p.m. Now, I don't know if it's central time or what. Boltonnut from L. A. CA
I tell ya, Robin Astrid&others were typing away. Keep us all posted as to what all was going on. Ouch! Hello Arthuritis LOL I would have been hurtin' but I love it girls. Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Hey that is great Dianna and Robin R got to talk to Michael...unfortunatly I had to give up and go to bed!!  I had to be somewhere by 6 am this morning...but sounds like ya had fun..hopefully, maybe it will be posted somewhere to hear his part, if not, oh well...sounds like it was a great show...again, congrats for getting through!!!! and see how long it takes to come down from cloud 9!!!


Kerie, I haven't come down yet. Like I said it could or is gonna be archived. I don't know the ins&outs. That's what my friend in Kansas said. Boltonnut from L. A. CA

Kerie I'll come baxk to earth with a thump when I get the phone Bill LOL!

Thanks it was fun though

Love Dianna xxx

LOL LOL LOL Dianna!!! At least my 76 minute phone call is free :) I couldn't believe it was that LONG!!!! No wonder I was sooooo tired afterward!!!!! Did you really dial 57 times????? You wrote that somewhere :)

Kathy and LAFD Bob