HELLO EVERYONE, Since the 2011 Tour Review Thread is not playing nice and throwing us all back to the beginning lately, Gail asked if I would go ahead and start the 2012 thread. So here it is.. We can all share our excitement for Michael's upcoming touring and events in 2012 and chat and have fun here till the shows start in 2012.

Everyone is welcome to post and share their stories and pictures, videos from concerts and trips to see Michael do what he does best-SING!!!   Michael will be touring in 2012 starting so far with some shows the end of January.  There could be other events sooner too so if anyone attends a great Bolton event/concert, feel free to share your experience here.  I hope to have a review after the Chester, PA show on January 28th along with some other fans that have gotten tickets for that show and  the Atlantic City, NJ show on January 27th as well!  After that there are shows in Australia so far listed for 2012.  Following those shows we have the Concert for MBC and Traveler's Golf Event in June, 2012 and later on the MBC Gala in Sept.. We already have some exciting events to look forward to next year and I know there will be much more to come.

I am looking forward to another fun year of posts and sharing by the best Michael Bolton fans in the world on this forum.. I will post events to keep the thread moving along as the concerts come up as before.


Welcome everyone!!!!!


Robin in Maryland USA :)


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Hello Everybody Ashley and I are home and wow what a gala that was. Kathy would be very proud of Ashley and I as we pulled a sneaky on them. When we got to the gala (early) we were told that the main event along with dinner would be served in the main tent thru the tunnel and that we could wait and drink at the bar and look at all the beautiful cars until it was the proper time, but Ashley wanted to know what a tunnel was so I decided to show her as there was a band doing their sound check on the other side of the tunnel and they sounded familiar to me so off we go thru the tunnel and as we creep out of this dark tunnel to my amazement there was this great band on the other side and they were playing some beautiful music. They were just finishing Hallelujah and Ashley and I crept right up to the front of the stage (thats hard when you are in a wheelchair) and Michael turns around and sees Ashley and I and smiles and waves and then the security people discovered us and I thought they were gonna arrest us but they were kind and just threw us out and Michael was laughing I think. So then after waiting some more they let us come thru the tunnel again and on the left of us in front of a screen was Michael and John Hurley and the very nice lady Deana took our hand and guided us directly to Michael and John and I took a couple of pictures of Ashley between Michael and John and I finally got to shake Johns hand and tell him how much I liked him. Michael told Ashley that he would see her later. Then it was off to a superb dinner and some great entertainment. Then the Great Michael Bolton comes onto the stage and life gets really beautiful for us. We are kind of far from the stage and they had two big screens but you know inquisitive me, so I say to Ashley I will be back in a minute and head to the side front of the stage to get a few pictures of the great entertainment. I take a few pictures and return to Ashley and she says to me what about me dad? I am inquisitive to you know, so I get behind her wheelchair and push onward to the stage. Mind you we were kind of behind the big speakers so as not to get in the way and anyones view and Ashley is radiant at this point and the big smiles are flowing out of her. AND then this wonderful lady sees us and says please come and sit with them at their table. Their table being probably the 1st or 2nd best table in the house and not wanting to disappoint them we gave in easy and I am so glad that we did as we met two of the finest human beings that we both have ever met. Denny Sanford and Constance Hughes were their names and how wonderful they were. I am going to post pictures of the two of them with Ashley. Denny asked me how Ashley was hurt and he had tears in his eyes when I told him. He was so kind and gentle with Ashley that I was in awe with his kindness and sweetness. Michael startes to sing WAMLAW and hark someone at the other end of the stage starts dancing and I say, hey Ashley would you like to dance and you all know her she never says no to dancing to Michael's music so I guide her to just in front of Michael and just kind of hold her up and over comes Michael and takes her small hand in his and he sings directly to her and for a change she does not choke she actually sings along with him. The crowd really got into Michaels tenderness with Ashley. What can I say except what a saint that man is. As we all know the good must stop eventually and then the concert was over and we were talking with the nice couple and getting ready to leave and Deana shows up and wants Ashley to follow her to the backstage area so me being a good dad and doing what I am told to do we go and there was a pretty good crowd back there and Michael comes out (can you believe this) with a wrapped birthday present for Ashley with a nice card. Two wonderful CDs featuring Michael of course and a beautiful neck scarf which she treasures.  He talks to her and they take some nice pictures and I tell him thank you for being so wonderful and we let others have their fair share of Michael. What more can I say except Ashley told me that this trip was the best birthday present that anyone could ever have. she kept telling me on the drive from Phoenix to Las Vegas. She was, is so happy that we were able to go and see Michael and all the other wonderful people that we met on the trip. I only wish that all of you were there with us to enjoy the beauty of it all. Hopefully we will see Michael again this year and now that she is 21 we can go to any venue. In Peace and Bolton Love Tom (dad) and Ashley (booboo)  Hayes

OMG Tom, I’m speechless! Thank you so much for sharing your  ... dream night! We all know you  do all you’re humanly capable for your daughter but couldn’t have wished in a million years for such a perfect night! Ashley must still be on Cloud 9 and will probably never come down and I don’t blame her! And listen to you: you are positively beaming! :D Well again, thank you so much for sharing this with us. Are there words to describe how awesome Michael is? :D Well take care Tom and big hugs to you and Ashley, sincerely, Sylvie from Canada

Ohhh, Tom!!!!! This is sooo wonderful!!!!! You are a fabulous dad for making all these things for Ashley... and I can understand her about the bday present!!!! Michael is awesome and he deserves fans like you and Ashley!!!! Thanks so much for the story and the photos!!!!



So glad everything worked out so beautifully for you guys!!!  Thanks for the report!! Gail

WHOA......hold on Tom....YOU need NO help in "being sneaky"!!!!! Your efforts behind the scenes are way ADVANCED to my Bolton Adventures!!!!  You have EARNED all the credit for this "adventure".....ROFL!!!! You are a one man show on a mission!!!!! And of course Ashley benefits so I will support your "sneaky" ways....to an extent...LOL  You weren't even arrested and you still "blame" me for YOUR sloven methods!!!! WELL.....I do declare!!!!! lol  No thanks....all CREDIT is earned by YOU and you ALONE!!!!! WONDERFUL photos with Ashley and Michael :) How very sweet that Michael followed through and made Ashley's birthday very special!!!! WAY TO GO MICHAEL!!!! That would have been sweet to see.....Michael wishing Ashley a very Happy Birthday :) Awwwww .... :)  How nice of that couple to include you at their table....ANOTHER classic Tom move....ROFL!!!!!!!!! A real pro I say!!!!! Keep this up and you just MIGHT get arrested!!!! LOL  

Ashley......my goodness my sweet friend....I hope you will NEVER fall from this Michael cloud!!!!  What a perfect birthday for you!!! Job well done Tom :) 

What a fun review and you have no trouble writing at all Tom Trickery!!!!! LOL

Kathy and LAFD Bob

Tom thanks so very much for sharing with us your magicial night and great pictures

As I read your review I had tears and a smile all going at once.

Ashley this is the start of a wonderful year for you sweetie I can feel it.

And your right Tom no stopping her now she's 21

Ashley sweetie I am so very glad you had such a wonderful night I can see that Michael loves you too, isn't it wonderful

Thanks again Tom give Ashley a little kiss for me

Love to you both always

Dianna xxx


What a way to start the New Year with such a wonderful review:)! I am truly Happy for you Ashley, I know you are still pinching yourself to see if this was All a dream....the answer is of course, No...it's real and it is a beautifully written fairytale story that your Dad wrote for you, to Share with Us!!! Thanks so very much...I felt like I was there for a minute:)! You gave me goosebumps...LOL! So 21 is your Greatest Birthday ever, I'm sure!

Once again our friend Michael "Goes The Distance"...he adores you girl....but Dad left one thing out, Did You get a KISS or not? LOL:)!

I'm very Happy for the 2 of you! Thanks for sharing:)! Enjoy the Cloud your on....!!!

Mary (Meg's mom)!

Hi Tom and Ashley,

wow, what a way to start a new concert year!! Thank you so much for sharing your amaziing experiences. I hope you returned safely and healthy.

Ashley, I send my heartfelt belated birthday greetings. May you be blessed with many more exciting events!

Greetings from Germany


Thanks for posting about yours and Ashley's adventure, Tom!!!   So happy Ashley got such a wonderful birthday gift, just being with Michael and all those nice people.  And how nice of Michael to give Ashley some presents too....what a great guy!!!!!  


Helena xx

I met John O'Hurley back in the 80's. He had been on 2 soap operas, "The Young & The Restless" &Santa Barbara." Boltonnut from L. A. CA

WOW.........10 minutes later...wow again !!!!! :)   OMG Tom what a beautiful review and what absolutely stunning pictures and as they say "the truth be out!!!" .....who wasn't going to wear "flashy" stuff and then the world sees that red shirt and white tie...lol...absolutely perfect Tom; well done you for dressing up for the event unlike a lot of people, including MB himself !! lol    Ashley, you looked terrific in your outfit and thank goodness you stuck with that one and I LOVE the red earrings, LOVE them and I think I spotted a red bag too.....well done Ashley for you looked gorgeous sweetheart, absolutely gorgeous !!! :)))))))))      WHAT can one say about MB..... whether told and prompted doesn't matter for he had the generosity and kindness to make your 21st birthday, Ashley, one you will NEVER forget and I know you will treasure those gifts and that card from him forever !!! :)))))    I should like to say; "well done Michael and three cheers to you....you're one heck of a guy !!"

Thanks again Tom and Ashley for bringing a smile to my face over my breakfast...best and only way to start a day !!!! lol.


Sylvia.   Your wee Scottish friend     


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