10/15/2013--BIG "egg" shapped moon outside back slidder--predict more babies in nine months------------Holly impressions me as a beautiful, warm hearted folk singer---She's BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!----Taryn, "knockout"!!!!!!!! --Didn't think i'd ever see anyone as Naturally Beautifull as my two girls and three "grand"girls, but Whow!--it's close--realy, realy close, 'course theirs Andrew, my computer "geek" grandson that can stand up to anyone handsome wise and "heart" wise ---And --No--- not…
ContinueAdded by Claire B. Munson on October 15, 2013 at 12:29pm — No Comments
Butterflys have gone to sleep/ The fence lizards to / But never my thoughts of you / Foliage leaves turn from summer green to gold / Last Summer was for us to remember,- to hold /--Somber Winter just beyond,--/ Steps up --threatens---Is ready to claim the white dust of us buried beneath our hopeless whishes that never came true in Spring yet in Winter's ghost still remain---------Tuesday, 10/15/2013----And so on to "Transient Man"---Five minutes to midnight / Full moon shinin' bright / I'm…
ContinueAdded by Claire B. Munson on October 15, 2013 at 10:19am — No Comments
Time is a distance --/ Short or long --/ Relative to the weave of the carpet where each one of us of humanity finds his or her singular place to belong --And lost of one individualy placed thread,-- The carpet remains bare there,--Misplaced of it's artistically perfect song------
Added by Claire B. Munson on October 4, 2013 at 4:27am — No Comments
Day is done/--The setting sun is almost gone----/ I've kept myself busy all day long--/ Cooking, cleaning, the garden----/ But now as I sit, my thoughts return to you and I find myself wrapped in a mantle of "blue"---/ Where have you been ? --/ What today have you done ?--/ Were you there this side of the world the same as I to experience the same setting sun ?-------Astri*--10/3/2013---------------------
Added by Claire B. Munson on October 4, 2013 at 2:59am — No Comments
You're the tree of my life and i'm going out on a limb for you ---/ I'll fight for you against the winds of change--/ I'm betting my life on you--/ I'm betting that in time--/ we'll come to be the same--/ Believing lovers in love-- And strangers in love--/ Not knowing each other totaly--/ Playing out the same "Game"----/ Before true love--But never leaving--/ The real "Truth" of "Us"-----/
Added by Claire B. Munson on October 1, 2013 at 12:06pm — No Comments
All before me shows/ Red, green and white/ Until the silver of the moon comes up at night--/ Darkness falls--covers all with a deep, midnight blue--/ The hummingbirds that challanged the hawk's, high-soaring flight / Are now hidden ---/ Safe from the owl's sight--/ Moonrise---this time full--/Lights up the skys--The stars fade from their brillance ---/--But they have resiliance--They'll be back in time, but for now, i step out the door and the night is mine…
ContinueAdded by Claire B. Munson on October 1, 2013 at 11:36am — No Comments
If it be your will that I speak no more/ And a voice be still as it was before/ I will speak no more / I shall abide until--/ I am spoken for / If it be your will-- If it be your will/ If it be your will that a voice be true from this broken hill/ I will sing to you / From this broken hill Lord your praises I will sing to you /From this broken hill Lord, your praises they shall ring / If it be your will / To let me sing / From this broken hill all your praises they shall ring / If it be…
ContinueAdded by Claire B. Munson on June 11, 2013 at 1:11pm — No Comments
Millie needs a little top hat and cane so she can do her routine to "You Ain't Got Nothin" If Ya Ain't Got Love"
Added by Claire B. Munson on October 30, 2012 at 10:06pm — 1 Comment
Tomato bushes into second season--Made it through the sometimes 45 degree nights and still bearing--picked 'em green--brought 'em into the kitchen--some turned red in 'couple weeks--some took a month--grew new branches this Spring and they are bearing heavily--Who would of thunk?--On to the Blues again--"You Agitate Me Baby"---You agitate me baby/You agitate me/ Just Like my Aunt Minnie's ol' washer/ You got me goin' left to right/You agitate me baby//You got me sooo uptight/--Merrily i (I)…
ContinueAdded by Claire B. Munson on June 4, 2012 at 12:28am — No Comments
That away baby---open that mouth and SING !!! If Bella gets the chance you girls will be contenders for American Idol 2028. i had no idea i could send Astix oops astro messages that far from California to New Jersey.-------Finally got over cookin' for this herd of missfits for Christmas---Started Wednesday before, finished
christmas day----develed eggs, pasta salad, cooked carrots, mashed potatoes, Jumbo shrimp, rolled pork roast, ranch dip, -oh well-i forgot the rest,…
ContinueAdded by Claire B. Munson on January 1, 2012 at 8:07am — No Comments
i need a little sugar in my cup, baby==i need a little sugar in my cup. Had a horrible nightmare last night just before i woke up. Need a little sugar in my cup, baby ==give me a little sugar in my cup. Sun's shinin' through the window right into my eyes Tellin' me to shine and rise==Get up= get the job done==But you know,baby, a little sugar in my cup's what makes my motor run====Give me little sugar in my cup,baby==give me a little sugar in my cup==come on , baby==give me a little…
ContinueAdded by Claire B. Munson on October 23, 2011 at 2:55am — No Comments
Just got a chance to view new video clips and find out how buzy you've been. Wishing you an enjoyable Daddy's an Granddaddy's day especially since you are the daddy of abrand new album that appears to be absolutely killer! i guess Sunday will be golf all day in the morning, the nineteenth hole in the evening and if you can find it after the nineteenth hole, dinner at the restaurant with a very beautiful woman in the evening. Tell Regis to learn the rest of the lyrics to When A man…
ContinueAdded by Claire B. Munson on June 18, 2011 at 10:51pm — No Comments
Added by Claire B. Munson on August 21, 2010 at 8:12am — No Comments
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